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Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Losing Weight

It's no secret that I ought to lose a lot of weight. Just one quick glance at me will tell you that. Over the years, I've wondered if those internet diet plans would be any good. But since I'm an Orthodox Jew with kosher dietary restrictions and the Jewish Shabbat and Holidays, I could never go on just any diet plan.

Recently I heard of one which is according to Jewish Law. Of course, anyone can use their diet. You don't have to be Jewish... It's especially good for vegetarians, lactose intolerant and allergic to milk, since kosher eating distinguishes between the various types of food. You have meat, dairy and parve. Parve means that it has neither dairy nor meat.

The name of this internet diet program is Start Fresh.

One thing I need which I don't have is a scale, so I went to my neighbor's house to weigh myself. It's an old scale, a doctor's scale from the states. So it's in pounds. I calculated the weight into kilos. You can use the program in either, but I figured since my kitchen scale is in grams, and the food here is sold in grams, that would be best.

For me the site, when it appears, always gets me confused, since it comes up in the exact same orange as this one. Strange coincidence.

Now I'm trying to set up tomorrow's meals. I feel stupid. It's more complicated than I expected. You can ask them to assign foods. There are lots of choices, but they don't have my sesame paste or techina. At least, so far, I haven't found it. And I couldn't find the cheese I eat, but they do have avocado. It seems to be an American site, at least according to the foods. One of the hard things for me will be to eat more than three meals. I know that the five meal routine is what the experts are promoting.

So wish me luck. I'm hungry just thinking about it. Let's see if Start Fresh will really give me a good dieting start.


  1. whats wrong with weight watchers?

  2. Basically, I'm just too much a non-conformist to let some facilitator tell me what to do, and I get allergic reactions to group pressure.
    I now that it's great for some people, but I'm "me."

  3. Sounds interesting. keep us informed. I always try to lose a few kilos in spring. In my opinion, winter is a tough time to lose weight.

  4. Thanks for the support. It seems pretty good so far. I'm trying to post daily.


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