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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Another Reason Not To Get Very Thin

I am happy that I'm losing weight on Start Fresh kosher weight loss diet, but I don't really want or expect to become very, very thin. If I do, I'll look much older for sure.

My aim is to get as much weight off as comes off without major effort. And now I just read an article saying that when identical twins have been different weights, the heavier one looks younger. I noticed that with a neighbor and her sister, but I thought it was just them. Now I know that it's a documented fact. If I had known that before my diet, it would have had been another excuse not to diet.

It would have been a very foolish excuse at best. I'm glad to get some of this extra weight off. As I've mentioned before, my kids are so supportive, it gives me the impression that they really want me to lose the weight and probably have for a long, long time.


  1. I'd rather FEEL young than look young.

  2. Too thin isn't always feeling younger. Osteoporosis is more common in the always thin, rather than the a bissel full.


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