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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Soon It Will Be Purim

Some thoughts....

On Shabbat my mind was in the wrong world, spinning about what to make/give for Mishloach Manot, the "food gifts."

Someone asked a question on a food list I'm on. They wanted a Hamentaschen dough sans margarine. Mine is without margarine, and it's easy to make.
"No Big Deal Hamentaschen Cookie Dough"

Today I hosted our neighborhood "Shiur Nashim," Women's Torah Class, and served another version of my no sugar-baked compote.
This time it had apples and strawberries. I covered the pyrex pan with foil. It was a hit and they couldn't believe that it was just fruit.


  1. Your compote looks delicious!

    Shavua tov!

  2. Thanks, of course, the picture is when it was still fresh/uncooked. It didn't look so pretty cooked, but it was totally finished. Nobody left over a drop.

  3. Just fruit? That sounds tasty.

    Once a year for Purim I buy Smart Balance. It has no trans-fats, so one can make any hamantaschen dough recipe with it instead of margarine or butter. My kids seem to love it more than any other hamantaschen they've made or tasted. I try not to eat any.

  4. yes, the compote is just fruit and baked covered


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