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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

G-d Celebrates Passover

Wild flower season here in Israel is generally between Purim and Passover. After that there's no rain, and the ground dries. Traditional agriculture, native to the Land, which doesn't need artificial irrigation, is limited to winter grains and trees and vines. Grapes, olives, almonds, figs, pomegranates and dates feature in traditional foods here.

Flowers, the types you'd find in a European garden, are water guzzlers and don't really suit our climate. Grass could be described as criminal, considering how much water it requires. Many people here invest in artificial grass for that reason.

In terms of beauty, nothing beats the wild flowers which are now in bloom. Feast your eyes. In a few days they'll have dried up. Only rain "in the right season" will bring them back in the future.





Israel,wild flower,Shiloh

Israel,wild flower,Shiloh

Israel,wild flower,Shiloh

Israel,wild flower,Shiloh

Israel,wild flower


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