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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Miserably Hot

I am so miserably hot. I feel like my skin is coated with slimy glue. For years we had neither shades nor fans, and I was perfectly comfortable.

I am so miserably hot. I hate to complain,but my clothes are stuck to me.

I know that there are climates much hotter and much, much more humid.

So, please forgive my complaints.


  1. Sounds like you have been having an especially hot summer. Ours has been mostly comfortable. I don't care for the heat, especially the humidity.

    Take care. OK to grump. I can relate.

  2. Thanks
    My mother in LI, NY, complains of cold. She adopted a heavy sweater I had left in the house after it got ruined in the wash.
    There's no rain here to cool things off, just the beating sun.

  3. after your weight loss I would have thought you would handle the heat now better than ever!

  4. I didn't think of that aspect. Years ago, nobody in Israel had air conditioning, and now we're the rare family without. So, I guess my body is also used to cooler air. And years ago our walls were barer; I'm sure that the books keep the heat in.


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