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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Naturally Not Natural

Sometimes it gets rather awkward when I give my opinions. I'm not very subtle.

A recent pet peeve concerns the use of the term "natural" for things which don't seem natural to me.

I know people who "juice" their foods, rather just cutting, biting, chewing and cooking them. They claim they eat "natural." I consider "juicing" to be unnatural, a way of processing food. Extracting the juice and throwing out the fiber, the roughage isn't natural.

They need enormous quantities of fruits and vegetables and sprouts etc to make a cup of juice. Naturally, that's a waste of good food.

Some of those same people do that colon cleaning. I don't think it's natural to do repeated regular enemas.

Maybe if they ate naturally whole foods, instead of juicing, they wouldn't need artificial methods to empty their colons...

So naturally, I realized that my friend was getting rather upset, so I told her that I'm stupid and I see this very simplistically, naturally....


  1. I agree with you 100%. You have to have the fibre and roughage. Juice has a high natural sugar content.

  2. I've tried all sorts of methods, humor etc to get this friend to think sensibly.
    Juicing is also a very expensive way to eat.


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