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Sunday, August 02, 2009

Hesh's HH and...

The Tisha B'Av Hevel Havelim is sadly at Frum Satire... oops, that doesn't sound too good. Poor choice of words. Sorry Hesh. OK, let's start again, sort of It's not sad and it's not saitire. It's just a very chock full of great posts, or links to what must be great posts, on one of the great, though young, megablogs, ok, mega-j-blogs.

Most of the mega-jbloggers ignore the rest of us, those who consider 1,000 hits a week, impressive. So I really appreciate the fact that Hesh is introducing all us jbloggers to his fans. Thanks, Hesh, you're still invited over here to Shiloh sometime when you're in Israel. I'll even make some waffles in the waffle machine you handed my husnband last summer. And if you don't like waffles, just check out the recipes on me-ander.

And one minor correction, Leora is in charge of JPIX, not me, but I'm hosting the next one. That's part of the "and" in the title. I've volunteered for two September jblog carnivals, besides the Kosher Cooking Carnival, which doesn't have a host, and...

Did you hear the news? I've been asked to get back in the saddle and teach again, just subbing for a few months. Let's see how the "Super Savta" handles all this...

Nu, maybe you're interested in hosting a KCC?


  1. good luck with the teaching. what level? and with the KKC!
    sara g

  2. sorry - that shopuld be KCC...

  3. Thanks for correcting the info about the host of JPIX!

    Good luck with the teaching.

  4. sara g, high school, B"H, thanks

    leora, it was so nice of Heshy to mention the other carnivals. We f2f'ed last summer at the first jblog convention, so he does know me and made the mistake.

  5. Are you going to have to do a lot of preparation for the teaching? Or does the school have everything you need?


  6. There's always preparation, and I don't know the books. And B"H, these girls actually do homework, so there will be more work for me.
    The boys had made me very lazy.


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