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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mazal Tov, Ruby Tuesday!

As I was going through the pictures on my latest Cd, this was the first one with red.  I didn't plan on choosing it.  I was looking for flowers or some other nature scene.  Then that red winter coat hit my eye.  How could I ignore it and the story?

Last week, two young kids who grew up in Shiloh got married.  One was born in Mexico and the other in the USSR.  Living in Shiloh united the two families with the wedding of their children. 

As you can see from the picture, one of the mothers is in a wheelchair.  She is temporarily handicapped, so a friend took charge of wheeling her around, and that ruby red coat with the fur collar belongs to one of them.

On Tuesdays, just post any photo you like (it must be one of your own) that contains the color RED and then link to this blog.


  1. this is a happy occasion...love the red jacket.

  2. Hi Batya, How nice to hear from you again. Many months have gone by now since Bob Danziger's passing and I'm glad to have the opportunity of letting you know that his widow, Joy, is doing well. It has been understandably hard for her but she is back to teaching and moving forward again.

    Thank you so much for the prayers and good wishes for a "full recovery" for those on my prayer list sidebar. Your thoughts are deeply appreciated.

    The world is such a small place. Amazing that Mexico and the old USSR eventually would meet up in Israel and two families would be joined in love. Best wishes to the new family.


  3. luna, yes it is.

    Annie, how nice to be back in touch. Such a small world.

    Here in Shiloh, we have many amazing stories like this. It's a magic place as all Bible lovers should know.

  4. Israel is so wonderful that way, the way two people from opposite corners of the globe can find each other and build their future together on this tiny piece of land.

  5. I love this post...'joining of love'. The red winter coat does capture the eye.

    10 ALBUM COVERS = =scroll below my Tuesday's Heads or Tails meme to find my Ruby Tuesday.

    Have a great day!!

  6. Anonymous16/2/10 12:43

    Thanks for sharing good news! Evebn the post is in red!

  7. robin, so true
    We come from all over.

    Hootin' yes

    ilanadavita, I love playing with the colors on this blog.

  8. What a festive, happy occasion. Glad everyone can celebrate, even the one in the wheelchair.

  9. Great story, many happy days for the couple.

  10. Nice story...Happy Ruby Tuesday

  11. That's wonderful that these two young people from such different backgrounds found each other. Love makes the world go 'round.


    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  12. Kathy, Patti, yes such a lovely story, like in a book.


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