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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Slow Fasting

It's the 17th of Tamuz

This morning, sans water and coffee, I found myself typing more typos than usual.

There's a ton of laundry to fold.

I feel like kvetching.

I miss my water and coffee.

Knowing that it's the "three weeks" already makes my trip to Arizona to take my father to my mother much closer.  I'll be in the states for the 9 days and Tisha b'Av.

I'll be back for the Shiloh holiday of TU b'Av.

I try to go away during the 9 days, since the pool is closed and I have little to do but the Mitzvah of kibbud av v'em.

Sorry for kvetching...


  1. Glad to hear your kvetch, I am having such a schleppy day can not get started on anything... even have too many topics and pics for one blog post.

  2. So I'm not alone in this. After hearing the news I blogged about in the newer than this post, can't complain.

    Write a few posts and set them up to be posted automatically, later.


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