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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Caption This X Two! Are You Clever? Prove it!

Picture #1

Picture #2

None of these were posed, just proof of how important it is to be well armed, with a camera, at all times.


  1. Leah, Maaleh Adumim17/4/11 07:25

    you wanted captions?

    here are a few off the top of my head -

    #1 - at our garage sale we offer everything but the kitchen sink! one bathtub still available.

    #2 - "now where did I leave my keys?"

  2. Anonymous17/4/11 13:45

    #1 - I'm not spending any more times on those stains. It will just have to go out the back for the duration.

    Chag sameach!

  3. Leah, a, thanks

    Who else?


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