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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Miracle, Rosh Chodesh Nisan Kosher Cooking Carnival

Here we are between Purim and Passover, the Rosh Chodesh Nissan Kosher Cooking Carnival.  It's hard to believe that Passover is less than two weeks away, and here I am busy on the computer and not cleaning for Passover.  Before getting distracted by Pesach and the links that I've found and that have been sent, I'd like to get the business over with.

It seems that we'll be running the jblog carnivals a new way or two.  So far, I'm finding that our facebook page is very helpful.  Join it if you haven't yet done so. Jennifer in MamaLand will be hosting next month's edition, Rosh Chodesh Iyyar. The Kosher Cooking Carnival is a floating blog/internet site carnival, hosted by different blogs and food sites each month, according to the Jewish Calendar.  All posts and articles must be kosher, about kosher food, recipes, Jewish Law, reviews of kosher restaurants, cookbooks and more.  If you 'd like to host one, please contact me, either on facebook or email, shilohmuse at gmail dot com.

Please share the links of this KCC to all, and of course visit the bloggers included.  Thanks for all of your help and support.
And now, considering I just don't have any time to waste, let's get on with the show...

First let's have some practical Passover pointers from Ester, a very experienced housewife.
She does a better job cleaning than I do.
Here's Bonnie Giller's Tips, Tricks and Recipes.

Mrs. S's apple cake looks absolutely delicious!
I rarely bake challah, so I was surprised to find myself making a batch after Purim, so close to Pesach.  At least I've been getting compliments on them, even after being frozen.
Jennifer had a food adventure; read Chacun à MON goût.  You must also try her kichel, bow-ties!
Apparently, there's talk in France of restricting or forbidding shechita,  kosher animal slaughter as immoral, though they don't have any problem with hunting.
Emily's No Soy Vegan Quiche looks good.
The country mouse's Purim baskets are gorgeous. Save that idea!

Halacha, Jewish Law
For those who want information about quinoa and Passover, the Rebbetzin's Husband wrote a very important post.

Passover Recipes
Emily's sugar-free cookies seem amazing.  One recipe in the post is for Passover, and the other isn't.

And now for some entertainment, Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi's Passover Shiur!  Sorry, but it's not a recording.  Sign up on her site for her shiurim.  They are great fun!

I hope you enjoyed this Chodesh Nissan edition of the Kosher Cooking Carnival.  Please share this link and all of those included.  If you'd like to host an edition or send in your links for  next month's please contact me.  Thanks to all who have participated.  Safe and enjoyable cleaning and Passover preparations...


  1. Thank you again for hosting KCC. Happy pre-Pesach prep!

  2. Great job, and thanks for the link!

  3. Thanks! Have a happy and kosher Pesach!

  4. Leora, Mrs S and Yosefa, thanks for your support.

  5. I go hungry with this article!


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