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Friday, May 17, 2013

And Now for Maxwell House in My French Press

When I was in the states a few months ago, I stayed with a friend whose kitchen hasn't been kosher for decades, so she got me a supply of pots and a French press for my morning coffee making.  Since then, I drink French Press coffee on most weekdays.  I also brought back home to Israel a few cans of American ground coffee.

When I finished up the last of that coffee, I tried making coffee in the French press with my easy to buy in Israel Elite Turkish coffee.  The flavor was fine, but the filter/plunger had trouble with the "muddy mess" that Turkish coffee grounds produces.  I went back to perking the Elite Turkish coffee.  Then a friend came to the rescue a couple of weeks ago and brought me Dunkin' Donuts coffee from the states, which is absolutely delicious when used in the French press.  And at pretty much the same time, my husband returned from a quick visit to the states with two types of coffee for me.

I finished the Dunkin' Donuts ground coffee much too quickly, so now it's time for Maxwell House.

Good to the last drop...

That is good coffee!


  1. There are several grocery stores in Israel that will grind coffee for you to the consistency of American ground coffee. There is a wonderful place in the shuk, if you can ever get there. I buy big bags and store in the freezer, and it's better than the gourmet stuff my mom sends from America.

  2. We have a coffee bean grinder (which probably won't work in Israel), but I would want to grind my own beans in Israel; can you get whole coffee beans anywhere?
    (And in an aside--do you know how old that commercial is? I remember it from my childhood!

  3. i2-7, I guess that's what I'll have to do pretty soon...
    LL, I chose the commercial for that very reason...

  4. Shalom!
    We use Illy "medium roast for drip coffee makers" in the French press. It works well. Lady Light, I'm not sure where, but whole beans are sold in Israel. Friends have mentioned a few stores and probably the shuk in Jerusalem has them.

  5. Hadassa, where do you get the Illy coffee and how much does it cost?


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