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Monday, August 19, 2013

It Was Worth it!

When I first began planning the large Sheva Brachot, post-wedding celebration for my son and his wife, I, with the encouragement of one of my kids, thought I could somehow do it without a caterer.  I figured I'd combine my cooking, my daughter's and various take-out and store-bought things.  But then the various additional logistics such as finding and setting up enough tables, chairs etc. made it seem a bit more complicated. Neighbors, younger than us, who have married off quite a few kids told us to get realistic and hire a full-service caterer.

That's what we did. We actually took our next-door neighbor who had been recommended by many.  He and his staff did it all.  They got the tables, chairs, tablecloths, plates etc.  He bought and cooked all the food, set it up and cleaned up afterwards.

My husband, family and I were able to just enjoy ourselves and the guests, food etc.

The fancy challot were gifts from a neighbor and the popular Herby's Bakery from Beit El.

I just made a few decorations to make sure that it looked like a real party.

I didn't even bring my camera.  These photographs were done by my neighbor Linda Fairman, who's a professional photographer.

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