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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Caption This With a Story

Just share it around and add your caption or story ion the comments, thanks.


  1. Beauty in the eye of the beholder....

  2. Leah, Maaleh Adumim20/8/13 08:01

    "peaceful spot".

    it looks like a quiet place where someone set an old chair, in a clearing, with trees all around. if so, when you sit there quietly you would probably be hearing the birds in the trees - very relaxing.

  3. Summer drew to a close. The chair's owner collected the cushions and left it to slowly rust through yet another rainy season. Will the chair survive to provide much needed rest when the clouds clear? Only time will tell.

  4. Leah, Maaleh Adumim20/8/13 11:38

    is it a rusting metal chair? I thought it was wood.

  5. I love what all of you wrote. Amazingly it's just by the sidewalk but seems miles away.


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