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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Turkey Wings, Easy to Cook

I found a good deal on frozen turkey wings and decided to serve them on the first night of Succot.

After thawing and soaking them, I added just a few ingredients:
orange juice
and a bit of pepper
I almost added fresh ginger, but my husband doesn't like it

Then I covered, cooked, first high flame and then simmered until it all seemed ready. I served it with salad, rice and baked/roasted vegetables.

The meal was easy to make, but very festive and tasty.


  1. I don't know about boiling them, no matter what the spices and liquids, but if it works for you, b'seder.

    I would par-microwave them, then sprinkle them with garlic powder, poultry seasoning and paprika, and roast them.

    I'd make a gravy out of a roux using flour and oil, then add turkey (or chicken) broth with poultry seasoning.

    I have two in the freezer, so thanks for reminding me.

    Chag Sameach,
    Ed Greenberg

  2. We don't have a microwave. Your cooking is very ambitious. I'm much lazier.

  3. Are microwave ovens less common in is real than in the US?

  4. Probably used even more here, but we don't have one.


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