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Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Beer and Coffee Beef, Perfectly Delicious and Easy to Make

You may remember that I wasn't happy with the Malka "Stout" beer I had bought and even wrote that I saw it as the perfect addition to beef. Davka, that morning I had perked my coffee, and had some leftover, since the percolator is larger than even I need for my morning fix. So, I decided to google "beer, beef, coffee" to see if there were recipes or suggestions. Don't get me wrong. I wasn't going to actually follow a recipe; I just wanted to know if people cook their beef in those two delicious liquids. Apparently there is a whole genre of beef cooked in beer and coffee, so I got cooking!

beef, one of the least expensive cuts from the freezer section
fresh garlic
vegetable oil
stout beer* (any strong black beer would do)
strong coffee*
  1. soak beef in water for at least half hour, and then spill it in the sink
  2. add vegetable oil to beef in pan
  3. place on high flame to sear
  4. turn over to sear all over
  5. add cut onion and garlic
  6. turn to expose garlic to hot oil
  7. cut carrots, large-not small, and add to pot
  8. pour in coffee and beer
  9. add water** if liquid doesn't reach at least half way up
  10. cover, cook on high flame until it reaches a boil, then lower flame to simmer.
  11. Check periodically to see that there still is liquid. Add if necessary. 
  12. Cook for at least an hour and a half, usually better if more. 
That's it. Beer and Coffee Beef is very easy to make. Don't be afraid to be creative. Potatoes or other long-cooking vegetables can be added to the carrots. Enjoy!

Tell me in the comments about how yours comes out or if you've ever made any beef dish that is similar.

*At least a half a cup of each, though even less would be ok; you can add water if there doesn't seem to be enough liquid.
**Most of the recipes I saw on google included tomato paste, so if you're afraid there won't be enough flavor/liquid from the beer and coffee you can add that or even tomato juice.

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