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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Welcome back!

Many of us who have been blogging through Pesach have noticed a bissel less traffic of late. Of course, those who keep those extra days of galut-holiday had less time. And some people were traveling and didn't have their usual convenient computer. There were some bloggers who announced even before Shabbat HaGadol that they'd be offline or "not blogging" until chametz was back in their lives.

If you blog about kosher food, pictures, recipes, opinions, funny stories, anything! please send me the link for the Kosher Cooking Carnival. Also to shilohmuse at yahoo dot com. Posts with pictures are great for JPix, and you can send them here.

Another carnival I like is the Carnival of Family Life, and here's the latest.

I'm a bissel bleary-eyed at the moment, since I haven't slept much the past two nights. The night after Passover, which wasn't last night here in Israel, I got back very late from the Maimona a neighbor hosted, and then I wasn't tired, so I went to bed hours later than usual. And last night I also didn't get much sleep, since I'm leaving, G-d willing, early to the pool, then meet friends, then babysit a bit.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Please visit again.