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Sunday, May 20, 2007

KCC, 18 חי

KCC, 18

It's hard to believe that this is the 18th edition of the Kosher Cooking Carnival, the monthly blog carnival dedicated to all aspects of Kosher Food. Next month's carnival will be hosted by the Baleboosteh, and I'm looking for a host for July's edition. If you're interested, please let me know. Here's a list of the 17 previous ones: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17!

Now, enjoy!

There was a time I'd say that we need dairy recipes for Shavuot, but since my daughter married a Tunisian I've even served a meat meal on the holiday. There are Jewish ethnic groups which don't eat dairy, and nowadays more and more people are discovering that they're lactose intolerant and must restrict or ban dairy products. That's one thing we've discovered living in Israel. Not everyone celebrates Shavuot by eating cheese cake, and another thing, not everyone eats meat meals on Shabbat. Many people, not just vegetarians, have dairy on Shabbat, especially during the day. That's a good reason to be more open-minded and creative in your menu planning.

Joe Settler
tries trendy. Black will never be the same for me.

Join the quest for the
perfect flour along with Mother in Israel.

Rafi G. reveals the secret of his
pickeled brisket, a.ka. corned beef.

Here's a review of
El gizado Sefaradi - a Jewish cookbook by Gillian.

Berry-Sorbet by elf looks yummier than yummy!

It's complicated to set up a kitchen, especially a kosher one, from scratch. Here are
some ideas.

Try Chainik Hocker's
Falafel Chicken from Kosher by Design: Short on Time by Susie Fishbein.

This one isn't really about kosher food, but it's Rickey's opinions about
TV food mavens. Maybe someone should write about the Israeli ones. Good idea for a future post.

Here's some
Chicken Soup from Ra'anana.

Looks like more people may have to prepare their own baby's food, if they want it kosher:
Jewish Blogmeister: BeechNut Baby Food Alert: Going Non Kosher. He also wrote Olive Oil...Why It's So Great.. . I couldn't agree more.

In Israel, Yom Ha'aztmaut, Independence Day, is usually an outdoor barbecue. We had
grilled food and lots of other great things, but we ate inside.

Shoshi says that kosher is
big business.

Now for a little "only in Israel" food halacha quiz:
Why did I
eat the fruit outside?

How about
Mrs. Kane’s Meatballs from Frugal Journey? It uses some ready-made sauces, but I'm sure you can substitute similar ones according to what's available and whatever hechshar you use. Honestly, after 37 years in Israel, I'm no expert on American products.

Ted just sent me all these great recipes!
Help! I Have A Fire In My Kitchen: Lemon Meringue Pie
Help! I Have A Fire In My Kitchen: Tzimmes (Jewish Casserole or Stew)

~Sarah~ sent in the most delicious looking
Black Cherry Crumble Bar, a recipe she got from Kosher by Design: Short on Time by Susie Fishbein, which must be quite a cookbook.

Here's a selection of classic dairy recipes from the
OU's site.

The Baleboosteh, and what a Baleboosteh, sent this
dairy/vegetable dish. It's perfect for those who want to serve dairy on Shavuot or any time…

And for a
Vegan Chocolate Cheesecake, try Marallyn's.

Now, what's the opposite of cheesecake?
Chicken Soup, of course. Try Ya'aqov's.

Here's a nice, basic Challah recipe from Ima Biologist. I'm glad that KCC is her debut in jblog carnivals. Welcome! We hope to see more of you.

As I write this, the voting is still going on in
JIB Awards. I'm a finalist in two food categories. Don't worry; I'm not electioneering. By the time you read this the voting will be over and the winners announced. So, let's see what the competition is doing!

Best Kosher Food/Recipe Blog
At the Back of the Hill
Because I'm in My Twenties and It's what You Do
Gluten-Free by the Bay
Help! I Have A Fire In My Kitchen
Humus 101
In Mol Araan
The Jew and the Carrot
Two Heads of Lettuce

Best Kosher Food Blog-Post
Chayil - Delicious Recipes from The Kosher Palette II!!
Gluten Free By the Bay - Gluten Free Passover Recipe Roundup 2007
Help ! I have a Fire in my Kitchen - Four-Layer Strawberry Torte, AKA Wimbledon Fortnight Cake - Cake Recipe Contest
Help! I Have a Fire in my Kitchen - Hey Kid! I Dare You To Say This Is Not Good!
Help! I have a Fire in My Kitchen - Teddy's Potato Kugel
me-ander - "TU" XV The 15th Kosher Cooking Carnival
The Jewish Outreach Institute - The 11th Commandment: Cook a Brisket
Tsmicha.com - Dafina! Kosher Morrocan Food Recipes
Two Heads of Lettuce - At Last: The twoheadsoflettuce Guide to Delicious, Sustainable, Efficient, and Pluralistic Potlucks

In all honesty, I'm not even familiar with most of the other food blogs. So this is our big chance. I'm sure there's lots more going on in the jblogging kosher food world than we could ever imagine.

Yes, that's it for this month. If I left anyone out, please write to me and I'll pass the link on to
the Baleboosteh. If you'd like to host the KCC, please let me know. And of course, send your kosher food links of all sorts to shilohmuse at yahoo dot com or via blog carnival.

And please don't forget to remind your readers to visit and try out the recipes. Pass the link!



  1. Anonymous20/5/07 08:32

    You ate the fruit outside (under the tree?) so Terumah/Ma'aser wouldn't need to be taken, right?

  2. i love it when you do this...and thanks for the thumbs up...some day i'm going to learn how to get posts on my blog too...sigh...yahoooooooo...always fun to come visit your blog

  3. t-9, we'll wait and see if there are more guesses, ok?

    marallyn, thanks
    I guess I'll have to give you a lesson when we f2f, G-d willing

  4. Well done Batya, another great edition KCC. You do such a good job with KCC, you win my award for best kosher recipes!

    Shalom Aaron
    regards Mr Bagel
    Visit: Mr Bagel for his latest Caption Contest

  5. Great job. If you still need someone to host the July edition, I hereby volunteer!

  6. Mr. B, thanks, your praise means everything!

    RR, wonderful, thank you. I'm glad you're willing to take July! We'll be in touch.

  7. This is great - Thanks!

  8. Thank you.

    I hope you'll participate in the future.

  9. Im thinking about posting recipes for cheesescake and fettucini alfredo on my blog will let you know..

  10. Sounds delicious.

    If you post the recipes, please send me the links!

    Chag sameach

  11. Anonymous23/5/07 21:10

    About Mrs. Kane's Meatballs, if your interested in making them, you can get LaChoy Sweet and Sour Sauce at Super Hatzlacha in Beit Shemesh.

  12. Anonymous16/9/07 14:57

    How is it that all of you missed the amazing recipes in "The Essential Book of Jewish Festival Cooking" by Phyllis Glazer with Miriyam Glazer, published by Harper-Collins. They have the history of why we eat what we eat, great challah ideas, and healthy, imaginative and absolutely delicious easy-to-make food.

  13. Anyone can send links to posts for KCC. I don't search.
    And I will review any cookbook sent to me.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Please visit again.