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Thursday, July 31, 2008

"Marrow Magic - Save lives!" Please vote to support the project

This was sent to me by a very good friend. Please vote for the project. It could save lives!

I'd like to tell you about a project I submitted to the AMEX Members Project. It's called "Marrow Magic - Save lives!"

For years, I have seen the large efforts that go into small drives to register people to be bone marrow donors, and know there has to be a better way. I would like to get the whole country registered as potential bone marrow donors by having the nation's dentists collect cheek cell samples for the registry. Currently less than 3% of the US population is registered in donor banks.

I think I've found a way to make it happen: American Express has a competition for the funding of new projects:

Members Project is an initiative that brings people together to make a difference in the world. People go online to share ideas for projects. and ultimately vote on which projects will share $2.5 million in funding from American Express.

Please help my project, Marrow Magic - Save lives! receive up to $1.5 million in funding from Amex;

Currently over 150 projects are competing to be the top 25 projects. The 25 that get the most "nominations" will then be voted on to narrow the group to five.

To nominate Marrow Magic - Save lives! for potential funding, please go to
membersproject.com and nominate my project,to reach the Top 25. It's listed in the Health section under Education, or use their search feature, for the word "marrow".

Please campaign for my project by promoting it on the Members Project Discussion Boards and forward this email to all of your friends and family members .

In 2007, Members Project provided clean drinking water to children all across Africa. This year, maybe Marrow Magic - Save lives! will receive funding.

Thanks for your help,
Rose Landowne

Trying to Catch Up

I missed three weeks of the pool when I went to New York. Since my return, I've gone for at least a few minutes every time it was open, even at night.

Last night was the best night swimming ever. The air was warm and there wasn't the usual chill. Generally the air is so much colder than the water, it's hard to keep one's head out, shoulders out are torture.

There are lots of young married, and not yet married, women going regularly to the pool during the 18-up only hour each day. It used to be so empty. Also, it now closes 9pm, instead of 9:30 or even 10pm in previous years. Management saves money on salaries, and I don't think too many people would want to be swimming until 10; though on a night like last night, maybe there would be a few until 9:30.

Since I'm rather "under-occupied" as of late, I show up just after 8am each morning it's for women. That leaves me today and tomorrow, and then it's the month of Av, when swimming for pleasure is forbidden until the afternoon of the 10th.

Maybe I'm crazy to have taken membership, considering that 3 + 1 weeks of the 12 week season I can't swim, but at least I'm getting to the pool as often as possible.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I'm Afraid To Ask Anyone: "What's New?"

The other day I ran into an old friend. I loved the top she was wearing, told her and then asked:

"What's new?"
"My mother died a couple of weeks ago."
"What?!? I didn't know. I'm so sorry."
"Oh, I shouldn't have told you like that. I'm sorry."
"You didn't do anything wrong. You're still in shloshim.* Say what you need to say."

Then today, I was walking in Jerusalem and ran into someone I hadn't seen for years:
"What's new?"
First she sort of said "nothing." Then she stopped, turned to me and said:

"One of my daughters died a couple of months ago."
"I'm so sorry."

Then we talked a bit. I can't remember the last time we exchanged more than:

"What's new?"
"Baruch Hashem, Thank G-d, and you?"

In less than a week, these two conversations. Both started, expecting nothing more than dull answers.

Very frightening.

*the first 30 days of mourning. In Jewish Law it has a special status.

Diabetic Epidemic?

Maybe it's just my friends, but so many have been told that their blood sugar is problematic. They're all rushing to dietitians for special diets.

Is it just our age? Are the hot flashes causing the sugar to heat up like cotton candy?

Maybe I'm getting senile, but I remember reading that the doctors have been "tweaking" the alert numbers for all sorts of conditions, sugar cholesterol, blood pressure etc. That means that what had been considered "normal" a few years ago is now borderline, worrisome or "needs medication."

One thing, please read ingredients, especially on the "low fat/cholesterol" foods. Many, including low-fat mayonnaise and fat-free half and half, have corn syrup. Corn syrup is a very dangerous food additive. It's a lot worse than eggs and cholesterol.

Back to the diabetes. Something really strange is that I've heard of a few cases of men in their forties and fifties who've been diagnosed with juvenile diabetes, not the adult onset. That's really strange. And I keep reading about American children getting the adult type, due to their high sugar diet.

I guess we must get back to old-fashioned foods. Ordinary fruit, vegetables, eggs and milk. Unprocessed, please!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

3 Meals? 5 Meals? 2 Meals?

I was raised in the three meals a day world.

Start the day with a good breakfast, then a medium lunch and a big supper. Snacks were fruit at most. For decades, that has been my day, even when I'm very busy.

Friends who've been sent to dietitians for weight-loss or "sugar problems" have been told to go for five smaller meals. It can get complicated making the time and reducing the large meals, in order not to over-eat.

Recently, with less to do and a later breakfast, I'm finding myself on two and then hungry before bedtime. Not good.

Also, last year's work schedule meant a too early lunch or none. I think that's what started throwing me off. And now on the days I go to the pool in the morning, I eat grapes off the vine after swimming, then shower and make breakfast, which is closer to lunch time, so mid-afternoon I'm hungry and don't know what to eat.

And my body hasn't gotten back on meal schedule since the NY trip. So, sleep-wise jetlag is over, but food is still a problem. It's hard when every day is different. I've always done best when I have a totally consistent routine.

Sorry to vent/kvetch/rant.

Name Change?

I wasn't really thinking when I gave this blog the name, me-ander. I wanted "musings," but blogger said it was taken, and so was "meander." Sort of a wandering mind.

I just kept typing things in, until blogger said:
"You have it." or something like that

And that's how I ended up with that silly name.

Every once in a while I see a blog with a name so great, I'm jealous. Why couldn't I think of something clever, witty and/or meaningful?

From an email--


There once was a woman who woke up one morning,
looked in the mirror, and noticed she had only three hairs on her head.
'Well,' she said, 'I think I'll braid my hair today.'

So she did and had a wonderful day.
The next day she woke up,
looked in the mirror and saw that she had only two hairs on her head.

'Hmm,' she said, 'I think I'll part my hair down the middle today.'

So she did and had a grand day.
The next day she woke up,
looked in the mirror and noticed that she had only one hair on her head.
'Well,' she said, 'today I'm going to wear my hair in a pony tail.'

So she did and had a fun, fun day.

The next day she woke up,
looked in the mirror and noticed that there wasn't a single hair on her head.

'YAY!' she exclaimed. 'I don't have to fix my hair today!'

Attitude is everything.

Be kinder than necessary,

for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

Live simply,

Love generously,

Care deeply,

Speak kindly....

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass....

It's about learning to dance in the rain.

Monday, July 28, 2008


Life goes on. Doesn't it?

During the three weeks between the 17th of the Jewish Month of Tammuz and the 9th of Av, the Jewish People are required to mourn the destruction of the Holy Temples. Therefore, there are few celebrations.

Some events are celebrated regardless of the date, like Brit Millah (circumcision) since it's required to be on the eighth day or the first possible date when the male baby is medically ready. We were at one yesterday, and our older son's Brit was also after the 17th of Tammuz.

In some cases there are even weddings before the month of Av. Actually the hall was being set up for one while we were eating.

The food pictured here was only the "reception," before the festive meal after the actual Brit.

And What is Shechita?

Life in Israel has a fantastic post about shechita, the Jewish way of slaughtering animals.

Nowadays when it's a rare housewife who knows how to salt the meat, and it's also so easy to "disassociate" the idea that those plastic-wrapped slabs were once part of a living, breathing animal, I found Rafi's post, Shechita: trash talk, amazingly informative.

Waiting in Ariel

Yesterday I was in Ariel... waiting....

Ariel is thirty years old, like Shiloh. There were signs all over "Ariel Celebrating 30." But where Shiloh has close to 300 families, Ariel has thousands.

From day one, Ariel was planned as a "city," while Shiloh was planned as a.. a... I guess you could say that the original plan was for a large, friendly ..uhmm... neighborhood. "Slow controlled growth" were the bywords. Yes, a mistake. That's why Eli was planned, because Shiloh refused to be a city. Not that Eli is a city, but it's larger and has a totally different recruitment acceptance marketing policy.

Back to Ariel. Ron Nachman established a city in the Shomron which is nothing like any other YESHA community. First of all, religious Jews are a small minority. There are many non-Jews. Some are F-USSR immigrants who aren't Jewish and others are connected with his main donors, the evangelical Christians.

There is also Israel's fastest growing university. By traveling the new road, via Rechallim, the college is just about ten minutes from Shiloh. The easiest way of traveling between Shiloh and the "coastal plain" is via Ariel. You can be in Petach Tikva in just over half an hour, the Yarkon Junction in 30 minutes. Yes, it's no further than Jerusalem.

Yesterday I was in Ariel to get to a family simcha, a brit (circumcision) in Kfar Saba.
I was able to wait calmly, seated at the bus stop, since I knew that a ride was coming for me. But I could have either taken a bus (and then another bus or two) or waited for a ride or two or three.

And then, later, I was there again as the sun set and we waited for a ride home. That's where I took this gorgeous picture. The clouds were strangely winter-like.

Tempting, but...

Last week a friend and I decided to have lunch out together. It's one of my major social venues, "doing lunch" in various Jerusalem restaurants.

We were in a dilemma. Afterwards I had to meet other friends in in the Great Synagogue, and I had to check out why my watch seemed to be losing its waterproofing. It was a very hot day, so downtown Jerusalem wasn't a choice, especially since she needed convenient parking. During most of the year, that would make Malcha Mall perfect, and she promised to drop me off near the watch place, but during summer vacation, the mall is full of noisy kids. We wanted to talk and needed quiet, sans distractions.

So, she recommended a restaurant I had never heard of, Pitu'im. It's a small place on Rachel Imenu Street. We had the "lunch special," which gave us a bonus first course with the main course at no added cost. For first course there was a choice between salad, grilled vegetables, interesting vegetable patties and a couple of things I don't remember. We ordered the vegetables and patties and shared. They were both very tasty.

For the main course, we both ordered the mushroom pie. it came with salad and brown bread.

Actually, the bread was the only disappointment. It was too light and airy, not real wholewheat. None of the rich texture I had been looking forward to. It was served with some strange flavored "butter." I would have preferred an old-fashioned heavy whole wheat with plain sweet, unsalted butter. But at least I didn't pig-out on the bread, a calorie savings.

Otherwise the food was very good. And the company was even better!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Jam-Packed HH

The latest Havel Havelim is posted at Frume Sarah’s World. It's the first jblog carnival. Take a look. I'm sure you'll find some interesting posts to read.

And while we're talking jblog carnivals, don't forget the Kosher Cooking Carnival. Whenever you post anything about kosher food or see something in another blog or on the net.

There is no limit to the amount of posts you can send, as long as they fit the criteria, which is anything concerning kosher food, cooking, halacha etc. You may also send in links to other bloggers' posts. Please use the carnival submission form.

Shavua Tov
Have a great week.

Not The Right News For A Hysterical Mother

My two sons are trekking in Central America. They're in their mid-twenties and ended up with two years of overlapping IDF Israeli army service, not in desk jobs.

Believe me, I was calmer when they were in the army!

This morning the IBA English Radio news featured two stories of Israelis killed/missing abroad.

Israeli killed in India traffic accident

Israeli missing after Laos boat accident

Of course, vacation time is dangerous here, too.

Five die in fatal weekend at beaches

Life is dangerous. Both sons encouraged my paranoid tendencies. The older one was hit by a "small truck" when riding a bike at the age of nine. The most serious of his injuries was a dislocated hip. We were told that "either he'd be a cripple or OK, nothing in between." Baruch Hashem, he's OK, but the "nothing in between" isn't totally true but can't be measured. My baby somehow ended up with osteomeilitis, an infection of the bone at the age of two weeks. The bacteria had probably gotten into his system as a newborn in the hospital. It was already in his blood and the doctors suspected brain damage. Baruch Hashem after six weeks of IV antibiotics he had recovered.

And as I just wrote, they were frontline soldiers and Baruch Hashem came home safely. And my older son already trekked in South America for many long months.

And yes, I worry. I'll always worry. I worry about all my kids.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Finally, The Blog Challenge

I'm embarrassed to say that I don't visit other bogs often enough, even those bloggers who seems to read everything I post. So, somehow I didn't see this when it was first posted:

The Blog Challenge
by Leora
Ilana-Davita got picked as one of Swedish Chekchouka’s seven blogs, so Ilana-Davita picked me as one of her favorite blogs.
As Ilana-Davita pointed out, by picking out seven, you are eliminating others. I decided the first person on my list would be the first person disappointed by her list, and here she is (drum roll, please):

It took a letter requesting that I take a look. That's when I discovered that Leora had "tagged" me among a very interesting list of blogs.

Now, in return, I, too, must post a list of seven (or more) favorite blogs.

Please don't be offended if I left you out. Just tell me in the comment that I should have made a longer list. I must finish soon to give my husband a chance on the computer. Yes, count him as the first on the list. We began blogging around the same time and have over six active blogs between us.

The next two are bloggers who helped make my blogs, Shiloh Musings and this one, so attractive. ~Sara's View~ created the banners from some pictures I sent her, and Akiva Mystical Paths worked on the templates and colors.

Soccer Dad established Havel Havelim (this month at Esser Agaroth,) the Jewish blogging carnival. It's now coordinated by Jack.

How to Measure the Years commented on a post I had written wondering how we'd finish all the chametz (forbidden on Passover) food before the deadline offering his services. So, he and a friend came for Shabbat and ate.

Irina-aka-Live dangerously and SerandEz met me in New York a year ago. He was also the first to encourage me to start the Kosher Cooking Carnival.

NYC Educator always offers something interesting.

Refuah shleimah, a full and speedy recovery to Coffee and Chemo, who makes a difficult life... a life, as full as full can be.

I think I passed seven. According to Jewish tradition, we're not supposed to count people. So, I didn't count blogs. And now it's up to those I wrote aobut to list at least seven blogs that mean something special to them.

When you visit, please don't forget to say that "Batya sent me."

Thank you Leora!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

BooHoo Yahoo

Yahoo's new spam-prevention methods have been making it much more difficult to send out my group mailings. Not only are they strictly timing the "-?- amount per one hour," but the drafts automatically delete after being sent and the bcc self-deletes when "save to draft" is activated. I used to be able to make up one letter, "save to draft" and then keep using it for another list, and then I'd use the draft folder as a file of sent mailings. Now, once the draft is sent, it's gone. Also to send multiples of a text, I have to set them all up separately. It's just a matter of getting a new technique developed. And then it'll be routine.

And then yahoo will pull a fast one and change again...

Getting Very Bored

I don't have enough to do.
I finished my teaching job, so it's more than vacation. I'll just have to go back there and get books and stuff and return the keys and some teaching cassettes which I don't need, even if they're mine. I'll have to learn the bureaucratic ropes of unemployment and pre-pension. It doesn't thrill me.
No, I'm not "looking for" another job, but if something happens, it'll be good.
Summer has been hard on me ever since my youngest went into the army. That was the first summer I didn't have kids at home at all. I remember feeling hyper and miserable all at once and would rush into Jerusalem for classes in the Israel Center.
Now I don't feel like rushing anyplace at all. I just go to the pool once a day and stay home.
This past week, since returning from NY, I really had very, very little to do. My married daughter (with 3 kids) only returned yesterday, so there wasn't even any babysitting.
Last night, after dark, I took a walk, but didn't get very far. It was a very social time. Lots of friends in the street, doing the same. During the day it's too hot and strong sun.
Time to doven and get ready for the pool, then cook for Shabbat. Sending cooked food to married daughter.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Eating Off The Vine

Some of those grapes are really delicious. There's nothing like eating them straight off the vine.

I pick off the purple ones.
Even during Shemitta, you can have some to satisfy your needs at the time. You just can't take a quantity "for the future." Since during Shemitta we give up personal ownership, we can grab a grape from the neighbors' vines.
Nothing is more delicious.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Estelle Getty, Z"L, BPG Success

The actress-comedian, Estelle Gettelman Getty passed away. She played the short, elderly wise-cracking mother in Golden Girls; though she wasn't the oldest of the four stars.
I checked a few of the online obits and couldn't find the information I know, first and second person.
Getty, spent the 1950's and 1960's in Bell Park Gardens, Bayside, NY. I know it, because we were neighbors, and her son Carl was in my class.
And even more important, it was my mother who gave her a start by introducing and driving her to the Fresh Meadows Community Theater. My mother had been an active participant both in front of and behind the curtains when we lived a mile from Fresh Meadows in Bell Park Gardens. (I tried searching for Fresh Meadows Community Theater in a few internet search engines, but apparently it has been inactive during the past few decades. I remember hearing that Paul Newman had also been in it in his very early days, but I can't confirm that.)
A neighbor of Getty had told her that if she was interested in acting, she should ask my mother to help out, and she did. Getty was a "wise-cracker," like the characters she played.
We left BPG in 1962, so I don't know when the Gettelmans moved out.

Water-Proof Watch Bluff

A couple of years ago, I bought myself a new watch, light-weight, comfortable and waterproof, a Speedo.

Yesterday, a few months after having its battery changed, I noticed some condensation on the inside of the glass. Luckily I was on my way to Jerusalem and had time to go to the watchmaker who had replaced the battery. I had purposely had it done at a professional watchmaker, afraid that someone less knowledgeable would damage its sealing.

I didn't expect the watchmaker to remember me, but I did introduce myself by telling him that he had replaced the battery.

When I told him about the condensation, which had dried up by then, his reaction was clear:
"There is no such thing as a waterproof watch. Don't wear it in the water."
"But it's Speedo; it was labeled waterproof."
"They can label it however they want, but they can't guarantee that it will always be waterproof. After a year or two the rubber sealing dries out."
When I mentioned it to a friend, she told me that once the battery is replaced she doesn't consider a watch waterproof. It makes sense and now I'll have to remember to take my watch off before swimming and bathing.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Trying To Keep Busy

Summer is always a tough time for me. Ever since my sons did their army service, and the house became so empty, I've had problems keeping busy. The pool isn't enough. I don't hang out there lying in the sun. I just go for my 40-60 minutes, as early as I can and then get out of the sun.

Yesterday, I made myself get out and take a walk, since it wasn't women's day. I didn't walk as far as I had planned, since I ran into a friend and talked and it was getting too hot and sunny. But later, at high noon, I went down to the toy/clothing store to get a present for the newest member of the clan, my cousin's grandson and his two big sisters. So that made two walks.

At night, when we had women's pool hours, I went for a swim.

Yesterday, I got a call from a nearby school asking if maybe I'd be interested in teaching a class. It's tempting, since it would take care of some financial needs, like my sick fund and pension payments. Even if that's all it covers, I'd be happy. I told them that I didn't think I could handle a "real" class, just the remedial. And the principal said that she would check out my references. No promises. "Fine with me," I told her. I wasn't looking for anything. "It's all siyata d'Shmaya, in G-d's hand."

I'd probably make more money from unemployment insurance the first year.

Who knows what's next...

Monday, July 21, 2008

fit to be included

My Baile Rochel's Exercises in a Straight-Jacket was included in FitBuff Total Mind and Body Fitness Blog Carnival 59. Why don't you check it out. There are a lot of interesting posts.

No, they didn't use the photo illustrating it.

Soccer Dad Puts on a KCC Chef's Hat

I'm proud that my jblog carnival mentor, the one and only Soccer Dad, who established the premier jblog carnival, Havel Havelim, is the host of this month's Kosher Cooking Carnival!
Next month's host is Leora of Here in HP.
KCC is more than just a recipe collection. It includes posts about all aspects of kosher food and kosher cooking. The Kosher Cooking Carnival is primarily dependent on bloggers who send posts via the carnival submission form. The hosts certainly may do their own searching, too, but it's not required. And if you see a post which would be good for KCC, please send the link, too.
If you'd like to host a KCC, please let me know. To reserve your month, please write to me at: shilohmuse at yahoo dot com

More New York City Photos

This is probably the last installment, even though there are hundreds more, including the family pics.

Manhattan is amazingly photogenic.

Busy Corner

New York Clouds

How can I resist the reflections?

Digitally Reflecting

New York City

This sign never ceases to make me wonder what the owner had in mind.

New York City
Scroll down the blog for more. I have no idea when I'll be back in New York again.

Lining up for kosher food

Sunday, July 20, 2008

All Those Zeroes

By chance I checked at just the right moment.
like winning the lottery

sort of
But it took 4 years of blogging
Actually that blog counter is out of commission
so, I really hit the number a while ago
But when you don't see it in writing
it doesn't count
One Hundred Thousand

Hats, Hair-covering

Men think they have problems:

In the Orthodox Jewish world, your hair/head covering is taken as an outward sign of all different things.

Men wear kippot, "skullcaps" or other sorts of hats and caps. They are judged in various dimensions, size, color and material. Some are barely noticed, due to size and color,and others "shout."
Generally they're either woven or crocheted (not knitted;) though I've seen some strange cardboard ones available at certain places for men who lack their own.
Married women who keep the mitzvah to cover their hair have many more options: scarves, wigs, little lace doilies for some synagogues, small hats, large, with brims and without. Some spend thousands of dollars on wigs.
I wear all sorts of hats. Some I've crocheted and other are bought. Some cost almost nothing, and others...
Let's change the subject. Now we're commemorating the destruction of our Holy Temples, and it's a time of mourning. No shopping.

Awesome & Gevaltdik HH

Ya'aqov posted an awesome and gevaltdik Havel Havelim! It's well-organized and chock full of an amazing variety of jblog posts from far and wide.

I have to find out how he divided the main column into two.

So, don't say "bored;" there's plenty to read.

Thanks Ya'aqov!

Catching Up

Catching up on my sleep, that is.

I actually woke up after 9am, which is very late by my standards. Today's a fast day, and the pool is closed and I have nothing to do. Doven, blog, hang laundry...

English is a funny language.

"Fast day"

Honestly, what can be slower than a fast day?

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Not Fasting Weather, But...

Jewish fast days require that we neither eat nor drink. Tomorrow is one of them, the 17th of Tammuz. It's a "short," meaning "daylight only" fast. But this is dehydration weather.

I ought to drink and drink tonight so I'll feel better tomorrow.

The 17th of Tammuz is the beginning of the period of Three Weeks which culminates with the 9th of Av, stretched to the 10th. This is the period of time when our Holy Temple was destroyed.

Three weeks, you may be wondering. Why three weeks? It couldn't have taken that long.

That's because the attack wasn't spontaneously on the Holy Temple, our Beit HaMikdash. It was a long process, approaching Jerusalem and then our enemies surrounded the Jerusalem City Walls and then breached them and then approached the Beit Hamikdsh and began the destruction which only ended on the 10th.

Rarely is aggression spontaneous, a surprise. There are always signs if you know how to read them. The problem, like in the late summer of 1973, Israeli military and politicians kept filtering the data received through their theories and ideologies. That's why Israel was "surprised" on Yom Kippur when Egypt and Syria attacked.

That's why Jews are supposed to fast twice during the hottest day of the year and spend the interim three weeks contemplating the destruction of our Holy Temple, so we won't make the same mistake again.

Almost... A Biggee

There are other bloggers who get this many hits in their first year, but I guess I'm not all that popular.

According to my calculations, I should be hitting 100,000 visitors within 24-30 hours.
I guess that's considered an accomplishment of sorts. Thanks for visiting.

Friday, July 18, 2008


I was planning an upbeat post about preparing for Shabbat, having even more guests etc

But as I sit here at the computer I find myself dozing off and great difficulties in controlling my fingers on the keypad board. Yes, I am tired!

Maybe I should rest. I'll be drinking wine, so I'll fall asleep tonight.

I just want to blog about how I cooked the chicken first, before I rest. I'd like it included in the next KCC, the one Soccer Dad is hosting. And by the way, is anyone interested in hosting later ones?

I put the chicken pieces in a large "glass" oven dish. Then I added slices of ginger, sweet red wine, Tamary sauce and ? Strange, I can't remember.

Finally Slept Normally

Amazingly, my arrival in New York wasn't accompanied by jetlag, but I made up for it when coming home. I just didn't function for two days and two nights.

I also find the sun too strong and don't like leaving the house except early to get to the pool. Last night, Baruch Hashem, I fell asleep my usual time and this morning, at first not quite recognizing the sound of the alarm--though I heard it-- I woke up on time.

Once I get back from the pool I have to finish unpacking, cook and get ready for Shabbat. We've invited guests, a small family, lots of fun.

One interesting thing. This year there are lots more women during women's hours at the pool. Many just make it over the "18 and up" age restriction, but it's good for the future of the pool and the adult hours.

I still have another picture CD to blog, but most of the pictures are from the Jerusalem tour, I took with the yeshiva high school staff the night before I flew to New York. I'm not going to deal with it, bli neder, until after Shabbat. It'll be too time-consuming.

Shabbat Shalom

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Exercising In A Straight-Jacket

Baile Rochel is Flying

Maybe I'm just too fat, or maybe all those "fanny-packs" add too many inches, or all of the above.

Nowadays the doctors are prescribing exercising when flying in an airplane. Now, that may be fine in theory, but how many of us can even get out of our seats without seriously disturbing everyone seated nearby, same row and row ahead? And there are those little instructions movies they show us on the mini-movie screens. The exercises always include stretching out our legs. Nu, I don't think that anyone larger than an under-sized five year old can do it without kicking the person sitting in front.

Well, if you know me you know that I can't resist a challenge, and I can't sit still, unless I'm playing freecell.

When I was packing for my recent flight to New York, I had a brainstorm! It probably helped that my friends and I have been
sweatin' to the oldies a couple of times a week. My blue rubber exercise thingee was cluttering the living room.

Yes, you guessed it! I took it on the plane and...

fitness, flying

...made up lots of exercises which not only didn't disturb anyone, but when a woman sitting next to me borrowed it, she said that she found it very relaxing.

And you should know that you don't have to be in a crowded airplane to use one. You can exercise with them any time and any place. They're light-weight and easy to schlepp.


Eating Out Kosher

Yes, I admit it. It's easy to find a variety of kosher restaurants in north-western Nassau County, NY.

We, my parents, aunt, uncle and I, have made it a tradition to eat at the Dairy King in Lake Success. The JC Penney may be gone, but we're still loyal customers. The food is great and plentiful and this time my sister and niece were along, too. I'm sure they don't have kosher food like this in Arizona!

Lots of Food at Dairy King

At the Dairy King

Salads at the Dairy King

For something special, my parents' 60th Anniversary, we went to the kosher Chinese restaurant, Cho Sen, in Great Neck.

Cho Sen Chinese

more Cho Sen Chinese

We should have ordered lots less food; so much was left over. Not willing to waste, we brought it back to my parents' house.

And S'More Pictures

So, sue me! I didn't take my camera to the wedding, but I did take it when I hiked to my very first pedicure and 3rd (professional) manicure. Here's where it was done.

Best Nails
And here's where we spent a lovely family day:

playing in the backyard

And here's my granddaughter examining great-grandma's goodies:
Great-Grandma's Riches

...But I Did Buy...

I wasn't in the states on a shopping trip, but I did buy a few things. Besides the unexpected bargain, a pair of shoes for $6- in Payless, I picked up two bathing suits. They were on sale and specially reduced for the July 4th Weekend at Macy's. I wore one last night, and plan on putting on the second in less than an hour.

No, I won't post a picture but I'm willing to let you know the brand, It Figures. Ladies, if you're looking for a bathing suit, check it out.

This picture is from a mall, either the same or near the one where I bought the bathing suits.

Long Island, New York, shopping mall

Didn't Sleep Last Night

Not quite jetlag.

Just as I was falling asleep I realized that my merpeset, balcony/terrace, had been too light during the day. I wondered what had happened to the cloth shading it. So I got up and checked. It was down, but folded neatly. Very strange, but I was upset and couldn't fall asleep.

I asked my husband if he knew anything about it and then wrote a bilingual note to the community list asking. I just couldn't unwind.

Now I'm a mess, not at all recovered from the trip.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Drop In The Bucket

Here are a few more of the hundreds of pictures I took in New York. I have to go through a couple more cd's. And I have to email some pictures to relatives and friends.

Let's just start with the one I think is funniest, the camouflaged soldiers. Isn't camouflage the technique not to be noticed? to blend in? Well, is there anything you can think of which would make them look even more out of place in Penn Station, Manhattan? This IMPO is so typical of the American mentality.


New York City Reflected 1

New York City Reflected 2

New York City






Wedding Link To See Pictures!

My husband posted pictures he took at the wedding we attended in New York. Stupidly, I didn't take my camera. But if I had, I wouldn't have taken the same sorts of shots.

What's important is a picture he took of me and a very well-known journalist dancing together!

Computer Cleaning

No, not the food that has drip-dropped on the keyboard.

I'm referring to erasing the thousands of pictures from the hard drive of our laptop. That's the computer I used for "burning" and storing photos.

In New York, at a Radio Shack, I bought a 120gb portable hard drive, iomega. A neighbor helped me install it and figure out how to proceed. So now there's room in the computer and I have a back up.

The memory "keys" are good for documents, but they only hold a few hundred pictures, not the thousands I have taken.

I Can Blog Forever...

...about the photos I took.

Here are three food related ones:

First there's a picture of some irresistible desserts in fancy kosher dairy restaurant on West 45th St., between 6th and Broadway, something like "My Most Favorite Food," formerly "My Most Favorite Dessert." And yes, the desserts are still good. Their soups are really fantastic, rare for restaurants. Salads are large. I ate there twice this visit. One visit I had a soup and a "first course," and on the other visit I was with two family members, and we shared two salads between the three of us. That's after two of us shared one of the soups. We also shared two desserts, and we were all stuffed. So, even though it's not cheap, you can cut costs and still enjoy yourself. In general, a good way of saving money in a restaurant is to just drink the "house water." To "dress it up," ask for slices of lemon. Don't have coffee, either. As expensive as a giant cup is at a "coffee place," it's cheaper than a small one at a fancy restaurnat.

Most Favorite Desserts
This next restaurant was visited by me many times, Shishkabob Palace, Middleneck Rd., Great Neck, NY. Great food for reasonable prices, meat, Israeli style. During the "nine days," when Torah observant Jews don't eat meat, they have great fish meals.

Reflecting on Middleneck Road
Lastly, the would you believe it "M&M" Store. No, I didn't buy anything.
M&M Store

Just a Taste

Jetlagged and thinking it's just afternoon, I'm going to post a few of my New York pictures.

ju-ju 08 Shiloh jm ny 538

ju-ju 08 Shiloh jm ny 602

ju-ju 08 Shiloh jm ny 499

Of course, here in Israel, it's really after midnight.

And of course, since the word "taste" makes me hungry, just to remind you that it's Kosher Cooking Carnival time.

Soccer Dad hosting the next Kosher Cooking Carnival. So please send in your links to the next Kosher Cooking Carnival! There is no limit to the amount of posts you can send, as long as they fit the criteria, which is anything concerning kosher food, cooking, halacha etc. You may also send in links to other bloggers' posts. Please use the carnival submission form.

Have fun!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Working on it

I called my neighbor over to help me set up the extra plug in hard disk. Now I'm cleaning the pics from the computer, the other computer, where I burn discs etc.

So, hold your horses. I still have to copy, then burn, the NY pics and my husband's, too.

So, toodeloo...

I Have Returned!

Yes, the lady blogger in the hat came back!
Yes, I did.
And I'm probably fatter than before.

I spent a fortune in kosher restaurants, especially the Shishkabob Palace, Middleneck Rd., Great Neck, NY.

My greatest bargain was the $6- shoes for myself in Payless, someplace in Westchester between New Rochelle and Chapaqua.

The purchase I didn't plan was the camera for my son, a "Fugi" with 10 megapixels and 12 zoom for about $260- in Radio Shack, also in Westchester, actually next door to the Payless.

I took hundreds of pictures with my trusty Canon 620, and did you know that the 720 doesn't seem to be on the market yet and no everyone is happy with the 580 or whatever most stores suggest instead.

You'll have to wait to see the pictures I took, since I have to transfer my old picture files to the new portable hard disk I got in Radio Shack, since the laptop is too full.

Now for some more coffee and then to my T'hillim, Psalms group.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Don't Forget HH and KCC

I may be far from my home computer, but I still try to stay in touch with the jblogging world.

Sunday is Havel Havelim day and here it is! Also, don't forget that Soccer Dad hosting the next Kosher Cooking Carnival.

So please send in your links to the next Kosher Cooking Carnival! There is no limit to the amount of posts you can send, as long as they fit the criteria, which is anything concerning kosher food, cooking, halacha etc. You may also send in links to other bloggers' posts.

Please use the carnival submission form.

Now, I must pack up my stuff and get ready to go to my cousin's daughter and see the posh town where the capetbagger Clintons' have their New York residence.