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Monday, March 29, 2010

Passover, Ready or Not, Here We Come

Re: The Cooking
I have meatloaf and some kugels in the freezer. Gefilte fish is made, soup stock and chicken and some vegetables. For chag, must still do kneidelach, finish the soup, some potatoes and another vegetable dish. And pre-seder lunch must be made.

Re: The Cleaning
It's one of those very basic years.  The kitchen is done, but other rooms just don't have that "sparkle." Sorry, there's chametz, dust and whatever.  Only chametz is forbidden on Passover according to Jewish Law.
All of my recipes are very simple, minimal steps and ingredients.  I like easy cooking.


  1. Chag kasher v'samei'ach to you and your family!

  2. Thanks, Mrs. S, same to you.


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