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Thursday, July 04, 2019

About That Gorgeous Sequin Top I Wore to US Embassy Bash

Here are my husband and me, all dressed up waiting for the bus that never came.
Those who know me in real life know that I have simple, relatively inexpensive and easy to launder clothes. I buy most of my new clothes in the Israeli Hilah chain. I take pretty good care of my clothes and some are very old. I also buy skirts and sweaters in a second hand shop. Actually the skirt I wore to the big festive American Embassy Independence Day "bash" in Jerusalem predates my big diet. It was bought in Hagara, another Israeli chain. My neighbor took it in after I lost about 30 lbs, 15 kilo.

But this top I'm wearing has a history. No, I didn't buy it. I inherited it. It had belonged to my mother. My sister offered it to me after she had passed away. It was too nice to donate to Goodwill. It's covered in sequin and heavier than it looks. This is definitely a more expensive piece of clothing than I've ever bought for myself. And, no, I have no idea when my mother bought it. The sleeves are slightly shorter than I normally wear, but not too short to wear.

When my husband told me that the invitation to the Independence Day celebration gave "cocktail dress" as the "dress code," I was suddenly inspired to wear the top. And as you see, I paired it with the white linen skirt and simple white scarf. I felt that black would be too formal and "heavy." It is summer time now, and Israelis don't dress as formally as Americans. The white felt right, and I was comfortable in all ways. 

The only problem was when I was waiting at a cocktail bar for a special drink, and the bartender spilled the drink all over me. At least it was a pale color, but now I have to get the sequinned top cleaned, dry cleaned. That's a challenge. Any recommendations nearby?

Selfie at Embassy Bash
with the YESHA crowd

great music

With Moshe Lion, Mayor of Jerusalem


  1. lovely!
    shabbat shalom from France

  2. What's that shining down from Shemayim? Why -- it's your mama's smile. I'll bet she was proud seeing her girl sporting her top at the US Embassy bash! You look stunning. Chodesh tov, and Shabbat shalom!

  3. You looked GORGEOUS Batya! And I agree with Ruti- your Mom was most probably glowing with joy from above at where her beautiful top spent this year's 4th of July bash!! More importantly, she cannot but be exceedingly proud of what an amazing woman her daughter turned out to be!

  4. Ruti, NG, thanks. My mother would have enjoyed it. She always loved a party.

  5. Hi Batya! Awesome post! Sorry for offtop6, wonder if you can advise me bar mitzvah gift amount in Spain? For example in US https://besttraditions.info/bar-mitzvah-gift-etiquette/ $50 is enough. But it's in US. What do you think money increment is enough for Tel Aviv? Toda raba!


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