Sunday, October 08, 2006


אנא ד- הושיעה נא
Ona Hashem Hoshiya Na
Please G-d, Redeem us now!

Isn't it strange how you can see and read words, the same words, on numerous occasions, and then suddenly they stand out, pop out actually, and they all of a sudden are the most important and have the most meaning and are just the words you've needed to say?

These words are from the Hallel prayer, translation is mine, inspired by Artscroll. A similar phrase is in the "Hosh'ana" prayer said on Succot, but it doesn't include G-d's name. I guess that grammatically it's more like a "command," which doesn't include the subject addressed. It's a more direct "you," meaning G-d.

אנא ד- הושיעה נא
Ona Hashem Hoshiya Na
Please G-d, Redeem us now!


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