Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Tasty and Simple 21st Century Tzimmes

Tzimmes is a very traditional holiday food for Ashkenaz (European) Jews. There are still families who make it is a "one pot meal" with beef. That combination is from the days when most meals were thick soups or stews. Today's affluence has enabled the development of multiple-pot meals. Even in the half century I've been married, menus and cooking has gotten much more complicated. There are many more pots in the sink than a couple of decades ago, even though we are fewer people at the table. No doubt my grandmothers would find my tzimmes a bit strange, though familiar.

Ingredients (exact quantities aren't necessary)
1 larger or 2 medium carrots
1 medium sweet potato
piece of dlaat, pumpkin or similar preferable orange-colored squash 4"x4" or 10cm by 10cm
1 large apple
handful of raisins
handful of prunes
cinnamon to taste
approx 1/3 cup dark brown sugar
optional- a few slices of ginger root
2T vegetable oil
water up to 1/3 height of vegetables in pot
bit of coarse salt and black pepper to taste

  1. slice carrots thick
  2. cut other vegetables into large bite-sized pieces
  3. place in pot, carrots first, then dried fruit and then the rest
  4. top with sugar and cinnamon
  5. add oil, water and cover
  6. bring to a boil, then simmer until soft
  7. add salt and pepper when cooking
Tasty with meat, poultry fish or add tofu or beans as a vegetarian meal.

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