Monday, February 26, 2007

Public Transportation -- Egged

jerusalem walk 042

If I didn't travel by public transportation, how would I be able to see images like these?

Yesterday's trip to Jerusalem started out well, since I didn't wait long until the bus arrived. It was smooth sailing until we were just across from the bus station. Suddenly I noticed that we'd been sitting for a long time. Apparently there were too many buses trying to get in and unload passengers, so the driver opened all of the doors and let us out.

jerusalem walk 037
Buses, buses every where were all waiting to get into the building. The actual bus station, built rather recently, is great. There's one very minor problem, the surronding neighborhood and access roads. The strange thing is that when I arrived it was after 11am, not near rush hour. Something must be going on, since later in the afternoon, when I left, it also took us a long time.

jerusalem walk 038
Baruch Hashem it was a pretty successful day, nice to have a day off from work. I got just about everything on my shopping list.
Jerusalem bus station
Jerusalem bus station


Jacob Da Jew said...

My parents live around that area so I remember the old,old CBT ,the temporary CBt and the new one. They did a good job on the building.

Anonymous said...

ooohh bulletproof busses; they go to all the fun parts of the country :)

Batya said...

jdj, you describe them correctly. When the temporary one was in use, it was referred to as the "new one," which drove me crazy.
t, yes they do!