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Thursday, January 28, 2010

This Month's The 50th Kosher Cooking Carnival

This audio shiur (question-answer session) by Rabbi Heshel Schachter is the perfect accompaniment to:

The Yovel 50th Kosher Cooking Carnival!

Fiftieth! Wow! Even I’m impressed.  Can it really be over four years since I got upset when a recipe carnival rejected my post, because it didn’t include the theme food, pork? In response, with the encouragement of a few bloggers, like Ezzie and ~Sarah~, I began the Kosher Cooking Carnival.  Dozens of bloggers have since volunteered to host it.  I hope and trust that they’ve enjoyed the experience.  Some have even volunteered more than once and with twelve months in the year, there’s always a month available if you want to join the club.  If you’re interested please let me know.  I’m always willing to mentor anyone new to blog carnival hosting.

According to Judaism, fifty is very important, yovel, so I’ve instituted a change.  We’re gradually shifting our scheduled postings to Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the Jewish Month.  The Jewish months are lunar, and you can tell the beginning of the month, because you can barely see a sliver of the moon’s crescent.

No doubt that G-d timed this edition of the Kosher Cooking Carnival, since this past Shabbat, Parshat Bo, is the Torah Portion of the Week that gives us the commandment about the Jewish Lunar Months.  In Bo we also learn basic Passover Laws, so it really is the time to start our inventory countdown to see what chametz food must be finished before Pesach begins.

Looking back, here's a list of all the previous KCC's: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, KCC Meta Carnival, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 and 49.

Click here to send in a post for the next one.

Now for the 50th KCC!

Let’s start with an alert to remind you to check out what’s in your freezer and pantry which must be finished off before Passover.  In some cases, it’s a convenience to discover cooked food waiting to be eaten, just when you don’t have the time and energy to cook.

Every day meals

In the pink’s kosher jambalaya seems easy to make and yummy, too.
You can call Hannah’s soup, borsht with zip.
Whether you call it chopped liver or liver pâté, Gloria’s is a perfect treat any time of the week.
Leah’s right.  Buckwheat (kasha) is a great food, and she includes a number of ways to prepare it.
The Bima Ima posts a delicious dinner.
Waffles aren’t made everyday, but actually, they’re not hard to make at all.
Ilana-davita’s Belgian Beef Stew seems too good for everyday, so I’m sure she won’t mind if you serve it for more special occasions.
Try Annette’s easy stir fried vegetables.

Jewish Shabbat and Holiday food

Mimi’s chicken soup with rice isn’t quite the children’s book I used to read to my kids, “stirring once, stirring twice…”
Shorty’s Shabbat Chinese style looks great, and no doubt tastes great, too.
Mrs. S’s Shabbat lunch soup seems like a good idea.
Pesky’s Sweet Potato and Chicken sounds really good.  Try her Tu b’Shvat Turkey, too.
Leora’s easy stuffing does seem easy, as it should be, considering how busy she is.  She also sent me Larrys Sweet 16 Chollent which looks very interesting.


G6’s chocolate chip cakelets aren’t for dieters, unless we share…
Believe it or not, I’ve made my easiest cake even easier.
And now that the Bima Ima has done the hard work, you, too, can learn how to make mandelbrot.

Anything kosher!

Follow Sharon to “the shuk,” Jerusalem’s Machaneh Yehuda open market.
From the natural food in the shuk, the opposite would be fast food.  Talking fast food, can kosher eaters now eat in the newly renovated and koshered McDonald’s?
For many people, kosher is just a form of quality control.  You don’t have to be Jewish to buy kosher food.
Leah gives some good advice to keep the bugs out of your fruit.

Next month, Adar, the Kosher Cooking Carnival will be hosted by Adventures in Mama-Land. You can send your post via blog carnival. Please let people know about the carnival.  Post about it on your blog and send the link around.  Thanks!


  1. Thanks for including my chicken soup with rice post, Batya. As always, you did a great job with the KCC. The 50th KCC!

  2. Wonderful job, as usual!

    BTW, this week's Parasha is Beshalach which is Parashat haMan - when Bnei Yisrael first start receiving manna in the desert.

  3. Mimi and pesky, thanks,
    Pesky, when I began working on this we had just read "Hachodesh" so it seemed amazing timing.

  4. Awesome post always . You rock !

  5. your link to ADventures in Mama-Land isn't good.

  6. Batya, great job! I just posted it on Facebook - maybe then Larry will notice that I sent in his chollent recipe.

  7. usa news, thank you!

    Pesky, thanks, it's fixed.

    And Leora, thanks to you, too!

  8. well-done! thanks for all these great links (And thanks for including my posts!)

  9. Thank you Phyllis! I couldn't do it without all the great jbloggers.

  10. amazing! great work and hope to see many more kcc's in the future :)

  11. Beautiful job! יישר כוחך!

    Thanks for the link, and Shabbat Shalom to you and your family.

  12. ~Sarah~, Mrs. S, I thank you both!!

  13. Wow, so much great food to check out! Looking forward to hosting next month and seeing everybody's yummy submissions for all things Purim-related in the next edition!

  14. Jennifer, thanks and good luck!!

  15. Shalom, Batya!
    I am Miriam Feyga from Shilo.
    It was nice to find your blog on the web. I find it very interesting.
    I'd like to get notificated on your new posts. Is it possible? I need help, since I haven't found a link to something like that on your page.

  16. UPD I've already found the needed option. Previously, I hadn't been logged in (:

  17. Miriam, how nice to hear from you! I'm glad you like the blog.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Please visit again.