Friday, July 06, 2018

Vacationing at Home

When we chose to live in Shiloh thirty-seven years ago, there weren't too many yishuvim, communities to choose from. And conditions in most, if not all, were pretty difficult. But there was something that drew me to Shiloh, and still keeps me here. I love the people and the spiritual tie I feel with the entire Tanach, Biblical significance...

But please don't forget that Judaism is a synthesis or more exactly a harmony between the body and the soul. And I love the "orchestration" here in Shiloh. Just a kilometer and a half, about a mile from the Biblical site, which is a very well developed and developing archeological park, we have our community swimming pool. The pool is just a couple of minutes' walk from our house. We take out an seasonal membership, so we can come for frequent swims. On rare occasions, like when I'm with one of the granddaughters, I relax in the shade there.

There's no reason to "go on a vacation" in the summer. My "vacation" is here at home in Shiloh.

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