Monday, August 05, 2024

Summer in Shiloh, Thank Gd A Swimming Pool

 Bli eyin haraa, don't tempt the "evil eye," we don't feel the war directly here... in a way...

Unfortunately, a local boy was killed defending the State of Israel a few months ago, and another was seriously wounded fairly recently. Many local kids of all ages and family members of those of us living in Shiloh have been fighting for our very survival... So I can't say that the war doesn't touch us. It can be said that so far, at least, we haven't been targeted.

So, besides being a gigantic elephant in the room, pressure that is hard to ignore... the war is almost distant. Of course many of my neighbors are doing tons of amazing volunteer work...

But it's summer, and our local swimming pool has opened for a longer than usual season 

Getting my exercise in the pool a few times a week keeps me fit, sane and healthy. Or at least as healthy as I can be at my advanced age...

I exercise in the pool, pretty much the same fun and games -not classic swimming- as I loved to do well over sixty years ago. 

Not only do we have "separate" swimming times, there are hours for "adults only." Thank Gd for this pool, which is only a few minutes' walk from my house.