Sunday, June 14, 2020

Keeping Busy Without Leaving Home Much, Corona COVID-19 Lock-down

Real life in the Corona COVID-19 Lock-down or just trying to stay healthy and sane

I have been enjoying classes via zoom and learning with my study group on Skype. I multi-task by crocheting while at the screen as you can see.

I've even discovered that with the equipment I have, I'm best off using both my computer and phone simultaneously. Microphone and audio are via my phone. But since the phone only shows a maximum of four other participants, I simultaneously zoom on my computer. Before you ask why I don't just use the computer, I must make it clear that my computer doesn't have a camera and mic. Yes, I understand that they sell attachments that would add those capabilities. I'll have to get one if I decide to zoom the Yom Iyyun Tanach (Bible) Study Day at Herzog this summer. Zoom really eats up the phone's battery power.

You can see how I use both phone and computer participating in Matan classes. Their special summer program is scheduled to suit both the "Israel clock" and North America. But I've signed up for Yael Leibowitz's  "Confronting the Other." 

As much as I miss why weekly "vacation in Jerusalem," I do enjoy the convenience of studying from home. I've also been having great fun watching shows, musicals, movies, tv shows etc from my phone and computer all for free. I even march around the house watching on my phone instead of walking outdoors.

BBC Proms' Oklahoma was superb! 
How are you coping with today's restrictions? Or are you ignoring them?
Just stay healthy and happy. I'm doing my best Gd willing.


rutimizrachi said...

As Coach says, "Attitude is everything... or at least a big part of sane survival." Sounds like you're doing great. I already wrote about it in my own post (as you know, because you're a loyal reader); so I'll just say here that with the good and the bad of this crisis, I'm sure glad we live in a time of technology! Stay health, safe and sane.

Batya said...

Ruti, so true. Complaining is addictive, so I do my best to keep happy. I know that you and I are on the same team on that.

Sandra said...

I agree that technology has made all this more than bearable. Here in London I have managed to keep up with my two Shiurim on zoom and am watching great London theatre for free as well. We get in our car and go out into the countryside to walk regularly and on Shabbos after davening and food, people visit on the pavement outside homes. That way we can keep up with our friendships, but at a distance. The hardest thing is not being able to hug family! My littlest grandson started to walk last week, so I’m going to visit with them to see him show off. From a distance of course! Be well and keep safe!

Batya said...

Thanks, enjoy.

We had our book club on a member's deck, masked, distanced and sans our traditional potluck dinner.