Thursday, October 19, 2023

Israel was Attacked, But Life is Going On, BH


Almost two weeks ago Hamas attacked Israel. The Gazan Arab terrorists invaded, attacked, killed, mutilated, captured, decapitated, kidnapped, raped, tortured, burned innocent Israeli civilians, male, female, young old. These civilians were the vast majority of those targeted by the Arabs.

Simultaneously they sent deadly rockets to southern and coastal and central cities including Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Here in Shiloh, it has been silent, not even a warning siren, bli eyin haraa, but the echoes of these cruel attacks reverberates here very loudly. 

Many of us have family and friends who are victims, and certainly many from Shiloh have been called up to the reserves, to serve in all sorts of capacities, all over the country.

I remember reading that during Israel's War of Independence, the cafes in Tel Aviv were full of food and customers while Jerusalem didn't have water and food. Now, here I am in Holy Shiloh free to take my morning walks and enjoy the quiet. 

I consider myself a "former" news junky, but now I don't listen much. My phone is usually playing Bible Tanach classes mostly from Matan, Torah in Motion and Israel Center OU

It's surreal, but my heart is with our soldiers, injured and mourning.

That's life here...

PS I'll be posting more political posts on Shiloh Musings. Just give me a few hours to get started.

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