Thursday, March 20, 2025

Eight 8 Beers to Taste, Quite a Night

Doug Greener, the Beer Maven
The usual crew of tasters met at the beer maven's home. He had eight 8 beers for us to taste. That's more than our usual supply. I'll tell you about a few of them.

We started three from BEERBAZAAR. Mordechai, Ester and Persian Haze. They all had fruity aromas, no surprise since all are IPA's but when drinking them, they were different. Mordechai's my favorite, Ester I didn't like, and Persian Haze in between.

Herzl makes a wonderful tart fruity beer, more like a tart cocktail. I really liked it. 

Shevet's Duke is an oatmeal stout that tastes better than it smells, which is rare. Usually I'm disappointed, but not this time. There's "dark" taste, almost tabacco-like.

Malca's black IPA is chocolatey in aroma and flavor, and I must say it's my favorite Malca beer to date.

We ended with this Shapiro beer, Double IPA, which is good, since it has 8.2% alcohol. Shapiro, one of the best of the local Israeli beers, and it didn't disappoint. 

We had an enjoyable evening, and I got home safe and sound.

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