I don't know why I'm combining these two internet projects I'm involved with, but here goes.
"From where I stand" was this week's theme/challenge on 52 Frames. Unlike most of the other photographer participants, I didn't want to look down at my feet. I had to look forward, to see where I'm going and what's approaching. I have to be ready to step out and take advantage of all possibilities.
Just a couple of hours after the new week's theme began I found myself standing at a bus stop in the dark of the night waiting for a bus home. I was nervous, because the number wasn't on the sign. My husband was sure it still stopped there. Thank G-d he was right, because after a few minutes it did stop there. And as an added bonus I managed this shot:
And from where I stand in the cyber-world, the world of internet, I'm still a blogger and still believe that blogging not only has an important place, is an important activity. That's why not only do I still blog daily on two blogs, this blog and Shiloh Musings, but I'm very involved in our weekly Jewish blog carnival/round-up called Havel Havelim. And I'm also the initiator and coordinator of the Kosher Cooking Carnival.
Blogging is an opportunity for all who have a message to get across to be his/her own newspaper or magazine owner/editor. The only cost for a blogger is time; that is bedsides the expense of a computer, internet etc. Blogging can be done on a tablet or smartphone too. Blog carnivals turn bloggers into a community or magazine staff. We help each other out by promoting, reading and sharing other people's blogs. And in that way others will get to know our blogs.
This week's Havel Havelim is hosted by Esser Agaroth and is worth reading and sharing. We coordinate hosting on our facebook page.
And, yes, facebook is the "home" of 52 Frames. See, there is a connection! Please check them both out, thanks.
A Jewish Grandmother: Original, unedited daily musings, and host to the monthly Kosher Cooking Carnival. **Copyright(C)BatyaMedad ** For permission to use these in publications of any sort, please contact me directly. Private accredited distribution encouraged. Thank you.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Monday, September 29, 2014
Almost a Biblical Harry Potter, Boaz
Available from Amazon |
Rabbi Spitz has envisioned the Biblical Book of Joshua as an adventure story in which he weaves the text, midrashim (commentary) and his very fertile imagination. This is only the first of three books about Boaz.
As most people who study the Bible, I only know of Boaz as the rich, kind and generous, old man who accepts responsibility for his dead relative, Elimelech's widow, Naomi, and widowed childless daughter-in-law Ruth by marrying her. According to the Book of Ruth, she was immediately impregnated and their great-grandson was the great king and warrior, David. Spitz fleshes out that story by making the young Boaz into a mythical fighter with super-human powers. We are first introduced to the ten year old Boaz and then follow his adventures and maturation as a leader. As someone who has studied that part of the Bible, about the period of the Judges and King David, I must say that I can easily imagine King David being descended from such a man and leader, the Boaz in the book.
I look forward to reading more in Rabbi Spitz's series and highly recommend Warrior Prophets, Book 1: Conqueror, Book One of the Boaz Trilogy for Bible and adventure lovers of all ages.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
The First Kosher Cooking Carnival of 5775!
The Kosher Cooking Carnival is a monthly blog carnival about kosher food, kosher cooking, anything to do with kosher food. I started it many years ago when a post of mine was rejected by a food/recipe carnival that wanted to restrict that edition to ham. Like many if not all of the ancient enemies of the Jewish People, that blog carnival no longer exists, but we're still cooking!
Nowadays KCC is organized on our facebook page. You can sign up to host or find out who's hosting there. Or just write to me shilohmuse at gmail dot com. The editions generally appear around Rosh Chodesh, which is the first day of the Jewish Month. The Kosher Cooking Carnival is more than just a recipe carnival. It includes posts about all aspects of kashrut, what makes food kosher, custom, recipes and also cookbook and restaurant reviews, kosher of course.
Please check out the posts, read, comment and of course share them and this blog round-up.
Vegan Raisin Bran Muffins (with zucchini/kishuim) They sound so yummy and healthy, too!
Butternut Squash and Apple Soup interesting combination
Tasting Beers
Acorn Squash Stuffed with Applesauce and Raisins
Unbelievably Easy and Pretty Healthy Candy-like Dessert, even the "no fruit eaters" can't resist!
Finally. Eating Mindfully. Dumping Excess Weight. WooHOO! Good luck, Ruti, I reviewed the book and think it's good.
Last Taste of Summer
The 2014 Jerusalem Beer Festival -- and the future of Israeli beer
Four new beers from my beer rebbe
Quick Nosh on the Road When Tremping and free, too.
Remember that your don't have to be a blogger to enjoy and share KCC!
Eruv Tavshilin, The "Facilitator" Meal
Here's this year's Rosh Hashannah so we can cook for Shabbat on RH, Eruv Tavshilin.
Eruv Tavshilin is one of those halachik Jewish Law solutions that make the impossible possible.
Eruv Tavshilin is one of those halachik Jewish Law solutions that make the impossible possible.
Normally, it is forbidden to prepare food on Yom Tov for use the next day. However, when Yom Tov falls out on Friday, one may prepare for Shabbat on Yom Tov if he symbolically began the preparations before Yom Tov. This symbolic preparation is known as an eiruv tavshilin.Every household must set aside one baked and one cooked item; usually an egg and a matzah/challah are used. The blessing of "al mitzvat eiruv" is recited and the items are held in the hand while saying the prescribed formula. (aish.com)Without preparing food set aside for the final Shabbat meal and making the blessing it's forbidden to cook, boil water or even light Holiday or Shabbat candles.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Reflecting on those three days away from "the world"
Rosh Hashannah 5775 Have a healthy year fruit head |
For those of us Jews strictly Torah observant we must learn how to be organized. We can't suddenly go shopping on days like Rosh Hashannah, Shavuot, first/last days of Succot and Passover in addition to Shabbat. On Shabbat we can't cook or boil water either. So today, when a neighbor suddenly decided that she wanted coffee and didn't have an urn of hot water, she came over, and I made her some.
Yesterday after synagogue services I was asked to have someone for a meal, and I had to refuse, since I had cooked just enough food for me and my husband. Especially since we both "watch our weights" and don't want to gain what we lost, I only serve/heat up exactly what we can eat.
Of the six main meals over the three days, two on each day of Rosh Hashannah and two more on Shabbat we had one meal at neighbors and two meals we hosted friends. The other meals we were alone, just the two of us.
Over Rosh Hashannah, I was amazed at how tired I was. I not only dozed off into deep sleep while reading, but I didn't wake up at my usual early time. On the second day of Rosh Hashannah, my husband woke me up, which almost never happens. Usually I'm up early, leisurely drink my morning water then coffee and end up the first woman in shul/synagogue. On the second day of 5775 I didn't even start my day with coffee!
I began to get very worried. Rosh Hashannah is traditionally thought of as a hint of what to expect the upcoming year. I didn't want to look forward to exhaustion. Thank G-d Shabbat was much better. I slept deeply, without any of the peculiar dreams which had been ruining my sleep or painful muscle cramps. And I woke up nice and early feeling energetic and alert. That's more the "me" I want to be this year.
G-d willing 5775 will be like the first Shabbat was and not like Rosh Hashannah.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Have a Sweet, Healthy, Joyful and Successful Year 5775
There's a custom to serve many symbolic foods on Rosh Hashannah and make up puns to use as good wishes. Some people decorate their holiday table with a fish head or even a sheep's head, so they'll be "heads" and not "tails" in the new year. My custom is to make a fruit head.
Each year our head is different. We shouldn't be bored, should we?
I haven't yet made the latest one. That will be closer to candle-lighting time. Our Rosh Hashannah meal is full of blessings, not just "be a head not a tail."
Many English speakers serve raisins, so they will have a "raise in" salary.
There are families that have dozens of foods on the table these blessings.
Others make one food dish that combines many of the foods. You can actually do that with a fruit head or even the meal's main course or interesting salad. These are all customs, so do what's best for your family and guests.
Tell me about your family's food customs in the comments here, thanks. Although my husband and I have been married married forty-four years, we're still building ours.
Shannah Tovah and Chag Sameach!

I haven't yet made the latest one. That will be closer to candle-lighting time. Our Rosh Hashannah meal is full of blessings, not just "be a head not a tail."
Many English speakers serve raisins, so they will have a "raise in" salary.
There are families that have dozens of foods on the table these blessings.
The first food that the Gemora mentions is gourds, or "K'ra." The word "K'ra" sounds both like the word for "read/proclaim" and the word for "tear." When we eat the gourd, there are two possible "Yehi Ratzons" that can be said. The first goes "Yehi Ratzon milfanecha... _sheyikaru'u lifanecha zechuyo'seinu" "May it be your will Hashem that our merits _ be read/proclaimed_ before you." The other is"...sheyikora g'zar de'nainu." "...that the decree of our sentence should be torn up." There are varying customs as to this Yehi Ratzon, and a prevalent custom is to recite both endings together in one Yehi Ratzon. (Torah.org, read more)
Israel Forever |
Tell me about your family's food customs in the comments here, thanks. Although my husband and I have been married married forty-four years, we're still building ours.
Shannah Tovah and Chag Sameach!
Dry Bones, Happy 5775 |
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Collaboration, 52 Frames Photo Challenge
At first I panicked. How in the world do you collaborate in photography? Then I began to understand that the aim is to dream up some sort of photo that can't be done without help. That I finally realized was possible, but I don't like all sorts of complicated things.
Then I had one of those eureka moments. I bought a bubble wand, which I figured would be more tempting or better bait than a small container of soapy bubble liquid. Actually I had noticed people buying those wands and making bubbles at Rami Levy. So before going to Jerusalem to see my newest granddaughter, I picked one up. I was hoping to get the young father to pose, but then I had second thoughts. Luckily my older son who lives in the same building showed up and was willing to pose. He even kept telling me what I should do and how to take the picture. Real collaboration.
Here's the picture I submitted to 52 Frames.
I cropped out my son and just left the bubble. If you look carefully, you'll see Jean who posed for the "Ginger Project."
Then I had one of those eureka moments. I bought a bubble wand, which I figured would be more tempting or better bait than a small container of soapy bubble liquid. Actually I had noticed people buying those wands and making bubbles at Rami Levy. So before going to Jerusalem to see my newest granddaughter, I picked one up. I was hoping to get the young father to pose, but then I had second thoughts. Luckily my older son who lives in the same building showed up and was willing to pose. He even kept telling me what I should do and how to take the picture. Real collaboration.
Here's the picture I submitted to 52 Frames.
I cropped out my son and just left the bubble. If you look carefully, you'll see Jean who posed for the "Ginger Project."
Monday, September 22, 2014
Nothing More Photogenic than The Israel Museum!
I spent a short time at the Israel Museum yesterday. It is my favorite place to take pictures. Yes, I think it ties with Shiloh Hakeduma, Tel Shiloh, especially since they (who run the Tel) started using weed-killer which killed all of the beautiful protected wild flowers which used to decorate the area so perfectly.
Here are a few pictures, enjoy:
Photos must be taken without flash.
Here are a few pictures, enjoy:
Photos must be taken without flash.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Scenes from Tefillat Chana, Shiloh Hakeduma, Tel Shiloh, 5774
As I had written on Shiloh Musings, I did go to this year's Tefillat Chana at Shiloh Hakeduma, Tel Shiloh. It was beautiful and such a treat for me to see thousands of women of all ages from all over Israel. Teffillat Chana means "Hannah's Prayer."
Hannah's Prayer is in the Bible, 1Samuel 2:1-10.
This is Hannah's prayer of thanksgiving, stating the power of G-d over all, over life and death. She made this prayer after handing her precious, long prayed for son Samuel to Eli the High Priest. Hannah hadn't asked for a son just for selfish, maternal needs. Hannah knew that her son could change the world, transform the anarchic Jewish tribes into a G-d focused People ruled by a king.
Hannah's Prayer was said out-loud in unison led by Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi. This prayer is a reminder that our children are given to us by G-d, and at a time we must let go.
Tefillat Chana is held annually a week before Rosh Hashannah. For more information Shiloh Hakeduma and its features and activities check the site or contact the office, Email visit@telshilo.org.il or phone 02-994-4019.
Hannah's Prayer is in the Bible, 1Samuel 2:1-10.

Hannah's Prayer was said out-loud in unison led by Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi. This prayer is a reminder that our children are given to us by G-d, and at a time we must let go.
Tefillat Chana is held annually a week before Rosh Hashannah. For more information Shiloh Hakeduma and its features and activities check the site or contact the office, Email visit
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Last HH of 5774 at Shiloh Musings!
Please check out the very last 5774 Havel Havelim, which is on Shiloh Musings. There's a very wide variety of posts, so I'm sure you'll find many worth reading.
A couple of reminders:
A reminder from Leora who hosts JPIX, the Jewish bloggers picture carnival. She's planning on producing another editions soon, so please get your links to her on theform click here.
The next Kosher Cooking Carnival is due out after Rosh Hashannah, so please send me your links before the holiday, shilohmuse at gmail dot com. KCC is coordinated on a facebook page, too.
Most important message:
A couple of reminders:
A reminder from Leora who hosts JPIX, the Jewish bloggers picture carnival. She's planning on producing another editions soon, so please get your links to her on theform click here.
The next Kosher Cooking Carnival is due out after Rosh Hashannah, so please send me your links before the holiday, shilohmuse at gmail dot com. KCC is coordinated on a facebook page, too.
Most important message:
You don't have to be a blogger to read, comment and share blog posts!
Friday, September 19, 2014
Should I Take The Plunge? Do I Want it Enough?
But in in order to do it, I really must set myself up as a free lancer, meaning set up an official small business. I've never done that. I haven't been able to follow up leads because I'm lacking official status. I can't give receipts etc. I haven't made myself "official."
Do I want the "hustle" of having to constantly try to find jobs? No
Do I want to use up all of my energies on the lowest paying job there is? No
Well, I then have to try to make a change, right?
I'm a CPS's daughter who got 100 plus in "Accounting for Seniors." I must be capable. But I'm old, lazy and tired, too.
Is there anyone out there who can coach me through this?
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Tasting Beers
This is just a sip of beer. I have no time for a full post. But just that you know, the other night I went to the home of Israel Brews and Views and was deemed fit to judge some porter beers. I learned that dark beer, or a kind of dark beer is called a porter. And I now know more about which types of beers I do like more than others.
More details later.
More details later.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Last Taste of Summer
There aren't enough good grapes for a proper "harvest," but I did enjoy a nosh from these that are better than the sweetest of manufactured candies.
Next year, all the grapes here and all the fruit, vegetables etc in the Land of Israel will have the holiness of Shemitta. We won't have private ownership and will be able to take from everyone's garden, just as much as we need, no more. There are neighbors waiting for these grapes.
Next year, all the grapes here and all the fruit, vegetables etc in the Land of Israel will have the holiness of Shemitta. We won't have private ownership and will be able to take from everyone's garden, just as much as we need, no more. There are neighbors waiting for these grapes.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Winter Sky Already, Will it be a Rainy One?
Last winter was dry, dangerously dry. Besides a record-breaking major snow storm, there was hardly any precipitation at all. Here we are a week from Rosh Hashannah, eeks! and the sky is showing dark clouds. Will G-d bless us with rain?
Monday, September 15, 2014
Framed! A Great Photographic Challenge
For this week's 52Frames photographic challenge, there was the composition theme "framed." The shot I submitted wasn't planned in any way. I just noticed the interesting scene in the bus mirror and shot it.
My other idea wasn't planned either. It was a cropped picture I took at a wedding last week.
It's a very different type of "framed." I asked for advice from people from the group, and two out of three went for the mirror, while one voted for the wedding photo. What do you think? Please comment your opinion, thanks.
My other idea wasn't planned either. It was a cropped picture I took at a wedding last week.
It's a very different type of "framed." I asked for advice from people from the group, and two out of three went for the mirror, while one voted for the wedding photo. What do you think? Please comment your opinion, thanks.
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