Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Rosh Chodesh Adar Soon-- No Joke!

It's said that the month of Adar increases joy. One can look at it as the tail end of winter, and we're very ready for the warmth of spring and tapering off of rain. There's also the fact that the Purim holiday is in the middle of Adar, and it celebrates Gd's love for the Jewish People, His miracles against all odds, even in the Diaspora.

Rosh Chodesh Adar 5783 (2023) is actually two days, the 30th of Shevat and the 1st of Adar. Our Women's Rosh Chodesh Prayers at Tel Shiloh will, Gd willing, be Tuesday February 21, 2023, 8:30am.

תפילת נשים ראש חודש אדר בע"ה יהיה יום ג' 21\02\2023 ל' שבט תשפ"ג ב8:30 בשילה הקדומה

You're invited to join us. There's also a lot to see and do in Tel Shiloh where the Biblical Tabernacle was located for close to four hundred 400 years. For more information contact Shiloh Hakeduma 02-5789122,

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