Friday, June 30, 2006

How much do I really have to serve?

In two hours, G-d willing, I'll be lighting Shabbat candles. This week, the house is pretty empty. Just the two of us old-fogies home, and I found us a last minute guest for a meal, of the same generation.

We all weigh lots more than we once did, lots more than we should.

It's summer; it's hot. How much do I really have to serve?

So I've streamlined my cooking a bit.

Isn't it enough that there's a big chicken soup, that my husband makes every week, rain or shine, hot or cold? (If you want the recipe on Kosher Cooking Carnival, nudge him to post it!!) And this week he also ordered Yaakov's famous chopped liver. And I just made a sort-of meatloaf. If it's good, I'll post the recipe. There are also three side-dishes,
  • roasted: eggplant, sweet potato, squash, onion and fresh garlic, all sliced and layered in that order
  • vegetables sort-of sauteed in covered pan, onions, garlic, green and yellow zucchini, giant mushrooms, and at the last minute broccoli with some Tamari sauce.
  • corn on the cob (cooked by my husband)

Shabbat morning, we'll have the side-dishes with chicken.

Don't forget the challah with each meal!

Now, isn't that enough?!

Shabbat Shalom

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