Thursday, June 29, 2006

2nd hand smoke

It's no secret that I'm one of those who stops people from smoking. When I was younger and periodically pregnant, I'd tell smokers at the movies--yes, in those days in Israel people smoked in all public places, irrespective of any signs--that their smoking would make me puke! Of course, the truth is/was that I didn't have "those sort of pregnancies," thank G-d.

There's an important article in the NY Times about second-hand smoke, A Warning on Hazards of Secondhand Smoke, which I copied onto Blog Free! in case the Times takes it off its site.

One of the unexpected bonuses of living in Shiloh is the low percentage of smokers. I definitely adds to our quality of life here.

I suggest people do what I do when seeing any staff smoking in food establishments, whether proper restaurants or simple snack places. If I haven't yet started eating--even if already ordered--just tell the person in charge that you can't eat there because of the smoking and walk out. And if you're already eating, or just finished, tell the person in charge that because of the smoking, you won't be back!

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