Tuesday, February 22, 2005

busy highs and lows

Yesterday was one of those busy days of all emotions and exhaustions.
First I was up at 4am to get a very stressful musing out. I had fallen asleep with words, phrases and thoughts chasing around in my mind, and even after writing it, it was still obsessing me.

Then in the afternoon I took the bus to Jerusalem, bought a wedding gift, walked to my husband's office to hand it to him, so he could take it to the wedding. Then I went to the hotel where my sister-in-law and family are staying to say hello for an hour. Then she and her daughter walked me to the Israel Center for the Azkara, memorial gathering in memory of my dear, special rabbi, Rabbi Efrayim (Freddy) Wolf , who passed away a year ago. I'll write more about him in a day or so. As soon as that was over, I grabbed a cab and went to Binyanei Ha'uma, for a wedding. A neighbor's son, friend of my trekking one.

Now, G-d willing, bli neder, before I go to boker limud I'll write out the final notes from last week's Kohelet, Ecclesiastes.

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