Monday, December 14, 2020

Perfect Visit to Tel Shiloh

 Today my husband and I took visitors to Shiloh Hakeduma, Tel Shiloh. I was happy to see lots of tourists there, Israelis, Jewish. There was a time when most of the tourists were Christian visitors from abroad. Now after close to a year living under the threat of COVID19 aka Coronavirus, foreign tourists don't come to Israel. Nobody wants to waste two weeks of a vacation in quarantine. Besides that, those who administer Shiloh Hakeduma have been working hard to bring more Israelis to see our local Biblical archeological site. From the buses and cars in the parking lot, it's clear that they are succeeding.

Today's Shiloh and the Biblical Shiloh are one and the same. It's where the Mishkan, Tabernacle -the forerunner of the Holy Temple- stood for close to four hundred years. Shiloh is where Chana prayed for a son and then was the location she took her son, Samuel to for his education. Shiloh Hakeduma is a wonderful place to spend the day.

Before you see some of today's photos, here's contact information: Phone: 02-5789122,

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