Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Falling Behind

There just aren't enough hours in the day for everything I have to do, work, house, family, friends and the computer.

The computer means answering letters, blogging on three blogs, though I must admit that I haven't been posting anything original on The Eye of the Storm, just posts from Shiloh Musings. What makes it truly different is the comments. There is a real "commenter community" among the Arutz 7 readership, and my The Eye of the Storm is a beneficiary, though I must admit that, at times, it can be very aggravating. Take a look, and join the "party."

I haven't read all my mail for so long it's embarrassing. And I have to work on the Kosher Cooking Carnival, which will be published, G-d willing next week. Send your post via the carnival submission form.

Could it be that I'm just "slower" than I once was or do I really just have more to do?

Also, one of my posts is on a fitness carnival. Take a look.

And sorry if I haven't visited lately.

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