At Least In My Family!
KCC #30
Iyyar, 5768 אייר

Looking back, here's a list of all the previous KCC's:
There's something for everyone, so please post about this KCC and send the link to anyone and everyone.
The Kosher Cooking Carnival is in its third year already. It's not just a "recipe carnival." It includes posts about all different aspects of kosher foods, including:
- Halachik Controversies
- Traditions
- Menus
- Annecdotes
- Special Holiday Foods and History
- Cookbook and Restaurant Reviews
- And, of course, recipes
There is no limit to the amount of posts you can send, as long as they fit the criteria. You may also send in links to other bloggers' posts. Please use the carnival submission form.
If you're interested in hosting a Kosher Cooking Carnival, please don't be shy. It's great fun; just let me know which month you want. The calendar is filling. June's KCC will be hosted by West Bank Mama, July by Soccer Dad, and August will be at Here in HP. So, as you can see, hosting the Kosher Cooking Carnival is definitely the "in" thing to do for jbloggers. To reserve your month, please write to me at: shilohmuse at yahoo dot com
Usually I serve an extraordinarily disorganized balagan of a KCC, but this time I'll divide it in topics, at least two. One is Pesach/Passover, since a number of posts came about it. Keep them in mind for next year. And of course, the other is…
Everything Else
This may be a peculiar start to the non-Pesach part, but I think the general philosophical question is greater than the specific Passover reference. What do you think about this question? Is a traif Seder better than none at all? This same question goes for all Jewish ritual events which include eating. So, I guess that includes everything, since even the fast days are preceded and followed by food.
There's a new blog/site (what's the difference nowadays), Jerusalem Metro, which reviews restaurants in a rather "unique," not quite my style manner, but I'm just an old fogey, right?
"Dear Arcaffe, you disgust me and your customer service sucks." Not my choice of words in the title, but since I've eaten there on occasion, it's cause for concern.
In the meantime, I've found another restaurant/coffee shop where you can have a very reasonable meal. OK, it's not downtown, but there are buses and parking.
For those who love a classic Jewish chicken soup, try Lillian Bart's.
Leora's Garlic Spread seems perfect to perk up a meal.
If you can't visit Frumhouse, you can try her tea in your own home.
Crème de la Krim doesn't blog recipes, but she said that I could post this on KCC:
It's a dessert called bocconi dolci, which I made for the l'chaim three days after Pesach. It has layers of meringue, melted chocolate, whipped cream, and strawberries. It's one of the best desserts around!
Thanks Leah!!
And from another
August's hostess, Leora, gives us a very inclusive list of healthy and easy to prepare side dishes.
Irina has a kosher feast when Republicans Rock Out.
Read about Baila's Challah-baking adventure. The pictures are great. And, Baila, challah is bread!
My youngest stopped baking our challah when he went into the army. Even when he came home, he didn't bake. We wouldn't want the tank grease flavoring the challah. Read of the rabbi's baking adventures and lessons in patience.
Try Ilana Davita's Quick Shabbat Treats; they look great and easy, too.
Frum Satire writes a very interesting post about shiva and included how he ended up eating when paying a shiva call.
SK sent a very impressive Crystallized Violets and Violet Jam.
Indian recipes are great in the kosher kitchen. Manjula Jain presents Aloo Gobi » Manjula’s Kitchen Indian Vegetarian Recipes, and it's even "illustrated" by a short movie.
Look at the Roadside market Crimea photographed by chossid. And here's an article from chossid about Purim food.
Now does the Moroccan post-Pesach Mimouna belong in the Pesach part of KCC or not? Look at the delicious pictures. At least pictures don't make you fat.
Try frumteacher's Cold Fruit Soup. It's good for Passover and all year, too. The same goes for this super-easy applesauce; nothing can be simpler.
Some people may like to clean for Pesach, but I'm not one of them. Look how hard I worked.
Most people don't have the opportunity to see Jerusalem's Machane Yehuda getting ready for Passover. You have to be staying in just the right place for the holiday, or at least look at these photos.
Ra'anana Ramblings tells us how her husband's ancestor rescued potatoes from the clutch's of kitniyot!
Read about this amazing kosher cooking adventure from the OU site.
Honestly, I can't imagine eating meat for every Holiday meal. Two meat meals in one day are just too many for me. And it's not only because I was a vegetarian for over twenty-five years. What did you eat on Shabbat before the Seder?
An onion on the Seder Plate? Read all about it on A Simple Jew, who also tells of a different sort of seder.
My neighbor's chocolate chip Passover cookies are so easy; I may break my vow and actually bake some.
My husband sent me a link to the great kosher cooking crisis of Passover 2008. We bought KPNoK* margarine here in Shiloh; you can see it in the fridge. I never manage to finish it and usually throw it out by Purim when I start the inventory countdown. I use olive oil for most of my shortening needs. Due to the health advantages I have no desire for any other shortening or "exotic" oil, except maybe for butter…
Please mention this edition of KCC, linked of course, on your blog to bring in more readers to all the bloggers who have contributed. And also let people know that their posts are welcome. It's not just a recipe carnival. I'd like to receive more Halacha (Jewish Law) posts about Kashrut and food issues, including Shemitta. Remember that for all practical purposes, Shemitta won't be over for another year, since some Shemitta fruit will still be eaten for quite a while, and there are canned foods….
Considering how much food is involved in all aspects of Jewish Life, I'd expect lots more posts. The Kosher Cooking Carnival is dependent on bloggers who send them in. The hosts certainly may do their own searching, too. And if you see a post which would be good for KCC, please send the link in via the carnival submission form.
Dig in and enjoy!!!
*Now, if you can guess what KPNoK means, please send it to the comment section.
Kosher for Passover Non-Kitniyot margarine
You're just too smart, t, but it's Kosher for Passover Non-Kitniyot anything!
Stupendous! Will link to it soon. I read some bloggers I haven't read before (like FrumSatire).
Happy Birthday to you and other family members.
Thanks Batya for the hard work.
Thanks for putting together this culinary treasure!
This is great - thanks for including The Jew & The Carrot in this list Batya (I highly recommend reading the Beer-kay Avot post. It's too funny!)
And I love love love the garlic water colors on Leora's site. Wow!
I wish to thank all of you, because without your participation, there wouldn't be anything at all.
Ha! That wasn't exactly a review, but a post about how frustrated I was with Arcaffe. Needless to say they still have not contacted me.
Well, Harry, for my purposes, it's a review, since it mentions things that potential customers would want to know.
Nice job. Can't wait to start reading.
Thanks, but it's just because of the great posts sent in.
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