Monday, May 12, 2008

Babysitting Day

I never thought I'd have a career, other than motherhood. I figured I'd go from there to some "advanced babysitting," either for others or my children's children. Did I figure that my daughters would work out of the home, or did I think I'd just give them breaks? I can't remember.

But anyway. Now I work part-time, and I see the grandkids once a week.

When I arrived in Ofra, I could see that the chairs, blue and white, taken out for their
Yom Ha'atzmaut celebrations hadn't been stored yet.

I walked to the babysitter's place.

The Arab homes I could see from my route are much larger and fancier than anything in Ofra or Shiloh or Beit El.


Leora said...

And I never thought I would want to be a stay-at-home mom, which I was for five years, and in some ways I still am, since I now work from home!

Life has its unexpected turns.

Batya said...

leora, you're certainly right. Flexibility is the key, not ideology.