Yes, the long wait is finally over. A nice big baby boy was born to my daughter Saturday afternoon, a few minutes before Shabbat ended. Baruch Hashem, Thank G-d. G-d willing, I'll meet my grandson tomorrow.
A Jewish Grandmother: Original, unedited daily musings, and host to the monthly Kosher Cooking Carnival. **Copyright(C)BatyaMedad ** For permission to use these in publications of any sort, please contact me directly. Private accredited distribution encouraged. Thank you.
mazel tov! Yoou should have much nachas...
you know what the difference between nachas and a mechaya is? nachas is when the grandkids come to visit. a mechaye is when they leave...
mazal tov savta!!
Mazel Tov from Arlene and Murray, friends of your parents! We are happy for the whole family!
B"H Mazal Tov! And may you and Yisrael also be zokhom to know your [happy and healthy] great-grandchildren!
rafi g, sarah, jdj, arlene, by,
Thank you all, and thank the G-d for the miracle of life!
Mazal Tov!
from sara g
Mazal tov!
Mazal tov, dearest Batya! Mazal tov to your nice family!
Margalit & Ariel
Mazal Tov!
mazal tov and all the best
Mazel Tov Batya, A very happy event indeed!
Mr Bagel
Now, first of all I must say that I'm touched beyond words at all the warm wishes from all of you. A few of you I've met f2f, but most of you are people I only know from blogging. We really are a community.
It's long past my bedtime, and I need sleep. So please take this as a personal thank you.
Mazel Tov v'Simen Tov! May you and your family know only good things.
Mazal Tov!!!
Mazal Tov!
to schvach, irina and nosher and everyone else,
Thanks so much for your good wishes! You should know much joy in your lives.
Mazal tov, Batya!
May you only know joy from all the children and grandchildren.
May you share the joys of Torah, chuppah and maasim tovim with him!
and thank you jf
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