Tonight I drank the Shapiro IPA, Citra. Not only is the woody orange-ish brown beer almost red enough to be a rose wine, but the taste is so fruity, I'd prefer it over many wines. It would certainly go well with a Shabbat or other festive meals. I'll have to try to buy some after Passover.
Doug, the Beer Maiven who, has been mentoring me in the drink genre of Israeli craft beer and beer tasting, uses words like "fruity" to describe beers. But in all honesty, until I drank this Shapiro IPA, "fruity" wasn't a word I'd use to describe a beer.
As you can see in the photos, there was lots a foam, quite a head, but it dissipated quickly enough for me to drink it.

On the whole, and from this small sample of three Israeli craft beers, I'm very impressed by the Shapiro brewers, and it's not just because they use a lion in their logo that resembles my favorite Israeli tackle football team. I definitely recommend the two Shapiro's I drank. What's your favorite Israeli craft beer?
And now I want to taste the Shapira IPA (India Pale Ale - I had to look it up), Citra :-)
That was a clever idea. It's a good beer, and many beermakers make it.
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