Monday, April 11, 2005

recovering of sorts

if you were there or know who got married, comment

was at a beautiful wedding last night
in the heart of Tekoa

tall, handsome bearded groom
in the heart of Tekoa

sweet, petite, pretty bride
in the heart of Tekoa

chupah (wedding canopy) crowning the setting sun
in the heart of Tekoa

dancing until the night is done
in the heart of Tekoa

proud Jews, one and all
in the heart of Tekoa

working, so the country won't fall
in the heart of Tekoa

Mazal Tov to our good friends and their kids
in the heart of Tekoa

great way to finish the chametz
in the heart of Tekoa

Chodesh Tov and Shavua Tov
in the heart of Tekoa

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