Monday, April 18, 2005

more tunes, re: Baile Rochel

Either add them as comments, or send them to me, and I'll post.

to the tune of born free... hametz free, as free as the winds blow, that's how our souls go, free to follow HaShem...

from the musical bye bye birdie ...bye bye hametz, you're gone for 8 whole days, bye bye hametz, we're gonna change our ways!

a sinatra memory- cleaning thru the night, it wasnt dances, cleaning through the night, what were the chances, i'd be up til 3 or maybe up til fooour ?

everly brothers... cleeeeean, clean , clean...clean, clean clean clean, whenever it's pesach, all i have to do is cleeeean,

jeremiah was a bullfrog...the afikoman was a missing, was a good friend of mine, sent the kids out a searchin', after we had drunk our to the world, all the boys and girls, freedom to the Jewish people in the world and joy to you and me!

chag sameach to you and everybody in ha eretz for a kasher pesach... may we merit to see the geula and real shalom in our borders.

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