Now that my Passover dishes are all put away I can concentrate on the Kosher Cooking Carnival. First I must thank the two guest hosts Ezzie, who hosted the third KCC and Sarah, who hosted the fourth one. If anyone else is interested in hosting it, please let me know.
Here are the previous ones, the 4th, the 3rd, the 2nd and the 1st. I hope that I can do as well as the two guest hosts who certainly raised the level quite a few notches.
Pesach is over, and that means that next Pesach is a whole year away, but there really are a lot of good posts to give ideas for next year. And you know that you can eat matzah and other Pesach food all year long. Many people do. For that reason I'm not separating the posts by Pesach and not Pesach. So enjoy…
We'll start with something so simple and appetizing, mensa-barbie's salade d'heritage. Next is Westbankmamma's charoset, an Israeli version of what she ate in the "old country." It's a great way to eat fruit and nuts, a power house of vitamins, minerals and deliciousness!
Maybe it's because of my Russian grandmothers, but I eat horseradish all year long, and not the store-bought type. Dry Bones doesn't use the store-bought either; here's how he makes it. You can tell that he starts with the root by that cartoon.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder of bread! Thanks, Mirty! And here are some guidelines about baking with yeast.
Sarah, last month's KCC hostess, gives us a great recipe that uses pumpkin, rice and chicken; I must try it soon.
There's no reason to be afraid of making gefilte fish; here's the secret. Check it out, since there's more than one version, some surprising, too.
From the multi-lingual Boris, here's a little movie showing us how to peel a potato. Honestly, I haven't the vaguest idea what language they're speaking, but, the pictures are easy to follow.
Ezer K'Negdo provides a good "bow tie" pasta with milk and mushrooms recipe. While we're talking pasta, try this easy way of making lasagna.
Kitniyot is a major Passover issue for Ashkenazim, "European" Jews; from Ya'aqov, a site with rabbis who say that Ashkenazim should be liberated from the restrictions. There are some, like my daughter, who took a less controversial route; she married a Tunisian.
Crossing the Rubicon discusses the serious side of food.
During the entire year, when my kids, who are all adults, discover an extra few slices of matzah, they demand matzah cereal. The matzah they use in the cereal is just the ordinary kind. Adloyada tells us all about the real hand-made shmura matzah.
Here's brisket recipe from Odd Quanta, which is a blog I hadn't met before. Give it a try.
This isn't an advertisement, but these recipes from Norman's are too good to ignore. Try them at home.
Yes, that was from the steak place, but what about vegetarianism?
This interesting post from the Concurring Opinions tells us why some non-Jews like kosher and Jewish food.
If you've had too many eggs, but still want good cake, try these recipes from recipezaar.
We should all have such "problems" as Ezzie, as he works out the logistics for the Shabbat and Kiddush in honor of Elianna's birth. She's a lucky little girl!
From the one and only Fred, here's real recipe, not just a link:
Magic Noodles
Or Anything with Pasta
This is one of my own creations, Batya, but it works and it tastes great, so what could be bad?
One can do this with any variety of ingredients to their own tastes.
Cook up noodles, or rice, 1 cup for 4 servings should be ample, unless they're "Fressers".
In a smallish pot, or pan boil approx. 1 cup of water, add a soupspoon of different soup mixes.
I usually use chicken, onion, and mushroom soup mixes. These will be the base for the sauce, and usually contain sufficient flavoring, and salt, so that no or little additional seasoning will be needed. When the soup mixes have turned into a thickish sauce, add a can of mushroom pieces, or champignon whole if you prefer. Cook for about 10 minutes and put aside to be added later.
In a pan, using either oil, {I prefer olive oil} or margarine, or butter or fat....your choice, fry up a good sized onion diced, a couple of green peppers, diced or sliced, about the same quantity of celery stalks, and if you like add a half can of corn, or peas, after the first raw ingredients have been fried to your liking. Some prefer well fried some slightly....again your choice.
Once finished with this basic mixture, because of the cottage cheese, one cup, and 3 eggs, you can't add meat....it wouldn't be kosher. But you can leave out the cottage and just use the eggs and add meat, or chicken pieces, already cooked. Hot dogs serve the purpose well.
Now put all the ingredients together, including the mushroom with soup sauce, and mix
Then put into a dish for the oven, and bake for about 40 minutes on a highish setting. I usually use 200-250.
Ready for serving, and I think you may find it surprisingly tasty, and let me know what your guests think.
That's it for this month! I hope that you've found something you want to try. Please let others know about the Kosher Cooking Carnival by mentioning it on your blog and sending the link to friends. Everyone's invited to contribute posts, and I thank you all for your support. Again to remind you that guest hosts are welcome.
The 6th KCC, will G-d willing, appear in another month, after the third Thursday in May. Please send your links either to shilohmuse at yahoo dot com or via Conservative Cat's handy form or the blog carnival one, and at the same time you may discover other carnivals to visit and enter...
B'Te'avon! Hearty Appetite!
Batya at: me-ander hosts:
Kosher Cooking Carnival #5!
I really enjoyed this excellent Carnival! Great recipes and informations! Thanks... :)
looking good!! :) yummmmm
Thanks for the link - I know I'm a bit late...
Never too late!
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