Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Better late than never

I always considered being a mother the most important thing possible. This was in direct opposition to the popular Feminism and pseudo-maleism popular among my peers when I was a teen and young adult.
It was rare to see successful professionals with their kids except as staged photo-ops, then off with the nanny for the little ones.
I was horrified to read an interview with Barbara Walters, when she first became a really big time success, in which she gave advice to other women trying to make it in her field. One piece of advice was, "Don't have children." Ms. Walters has one, and I hated to think that her child knew how her mother was telling everyone that children hold women back.
Things have changed, and the young women in Ms. Walter's profession have children and very public pregnancies.
Now Michael Douglas, 63, is telling the world how much he enjoys his two young children and is sorry that he wasn't much of a father previously.
Yes, better late than never.

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