Monday, March 11, 2019

Israel's Eurovision Song, Cultured Not Pop

From year to year, Israel seems to try to surprise the international Eurovision audience with gimmicks and an enormous variety of performers and genres. This year the "committee" finally went for for a very cultured performance, "Home," sung in English by by Kobi Marimi, the exact opposite style of last year's "Toy," which actually won.

If the Eurovision "directors" had been willing to accommodate Shabbat observance, then Israel would have been represented by The Shalva Band. Instead, that very unique and professional band, will be part of the local entertainment that host countries provide during the broadcast.

Last year's Israeli Eurovision song "Toy" sung by  Netta Barzelai.

None of the songs resemble the Israeli winning Eurovision songs from the 1970s. I miss that old Israeli music style.

"A-ba-ni-bi" sung by Izhar Cohen & Alpha Beta, 1978

Eurovision 1979,  "Hallelujah,"Sung by Milk and Honey

What do you think?

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