Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Lose Your Appetite

Not all the drinks mentioned in America's Unhealthiest Drinks Exposed are available here, or possibly where you are. And that's the good news.

I lost my appetite for Pina Coladas after discovering that the average one has 625 calories, 75 grams sugars.

Read this one:

The Unhealthiest Drink in America
Baskin Robbin’s Large Heath Bar Shake (32 oz)
2,310 calories
266 g sugar
108 g fat (64 g saturated)

Let's look at America's Worst Drink in numbers:

73: The number of ingredients that go into this milkshake.
66: The number of teaspoons of sugar this drink contains.
11: The number of Heath Bars you would have to eat to equal the number of calories found in one Baskin Robbins Large Heath Bar Shake.
8-12: The average number of minutes it takes to consume this drink.
240: The number of minutes you’d need to spend on a treadmill burning it off, running at a moderate pace.

Sweet melon is looking better than ever!


Leora said...

Heath Bar shake sounds like a drink my teenage son would enjoy. Sigh.

Batya said...

We can "enjoy" what's bad for us and suffer later.
I'm afraid to find out the calorie count of the yummy "ice coffees."

Anonymous said...

I'll take yogurt and fruit for my milkshakes, nothing else...or just fruit juice...although that's why I keep plenty of fresh fruit around- better to snack on grapes than candy!

Batya said...

I'm too easily tempted by those calorie-laden goodies, and then just one bite -- no control.

Anonymous said...

I don't keep much junk food in my apartment; besides, I'd much rather bake my own brownies!

Batya said...

Brownies!? Ahhah! You'll have to post the recipe for KCC.