But one topic I shied away from. Maybe it was just too close to heart and not something it had ever occurred to me to joke about. That's the fact that I'm a "BT," Ba'alat Teshuva, a Jew who has mastered "repentance," someone who although not raised in a Torah observant home made my way on the rocky road to frumkeit, full Torah Observance aka Orthodox Judaism.
Let My RV Go! can be purchased in both eformat and as a "real book." It was sent to me for review. I had no idea what to expect. It opened up a whole new world for me. I thought that I was the only one who felt "different" even though outsiders don't see it. As readers of my blog know, I study Bible and even give classes and lead tours of Tel Shiloh. But the real me will always be a bit different. In recent years I've requested that those giving our local women's Shabbat shiur never ever use the phrase:
כמו שכולנו למדנו בגן....I and others who are either converts or BT's never learned in such pre-schools and it makes me feel very left out and rejected to hear such a phrase.
Kimo sheculanu lamadnu bagan...
Like we all learned in pre-school...
Let My RV Go! is about the bonding of two BT families and their adventures and misadventures on the way to spending a rather unconventional Passover. Adding to their Passover challenge and time limitations, they had been given an important package to deliver before the Holiday to a "mystery person." Neither full name nor address, just a vague description of who he is and where he lives.
You need not know much about Judaism and Pesach to enjoy reading the book. I have no doubt that anyone who has attempted a family vacation in an RV, whether Jewish or not, will identify with some of the problems the families encounter. This is more than just a Jewish book.
By adding humor to all situations, whether between husband and wife, parents and children or navigating new roads, this is a book people will enjoy reading. Yes, I do recommend the book!
The message is that "it all works out in the end." Yes, it's an upbeat book with a happy ending, just the sort of book I needed to read. And maybe I'll try my hand at the BT topic for Baile Rochel....
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