Many of us bloggers are wannabe writers who've either given up on having a real career at it, writing down those books in in head, hustling as a
free lancer or never even tried. But Yael of A Damaged Mirror has been keeping us updated about
her book's progress and at the same time has hosted a number of editions of
Havel Havelim including the most recent.

Havel Havelim is the weekly international Jewish blog carnival which has been going on for well over a decade. Of late, we've been coordinating on
our facebook page where you can check out what's new, the latest edition, who's hosting and even volunteer. You can send in your best post or two of the week
via blog carnival, which forwards the link to whichever blogger is hosting.
Please read, comment and share the carnival and the various links included. Thanks and Shavua Tov. Have a wonderful week.
Don't forget about the Kosher Cooking Carnival. Please get your links in via blog carnival. We also coordinate on facebook. And JPIX appears a few times over the year and is coordinated on the JPiX page.
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