I couldn't think of a clever title for this combined Havel Havelim and Kosher Cooking Carnival, besides the fact that they are all "postponed."

Havel Havelim is the long-running weekly international Jewish blog carnival, which had been started many years ago (by modern internet standards) by Soccer Dad, who no longer blogs. It floats from blog to blog, and we keep it organized on our facebook page. If you'd like to host one, please let us know, and it's yours! I'm always willing to help newbies. Hosting isn't hard and it's a good way to get your blog better known and know others.
The Kosher Cooking Carnival is the monthly (in theory--appearing on or around Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the Jewish Month,) blog carnival I began a number of years ago on the specific topic of kosher food. It can include posts about every aspect from Halacha, Jewish Law, to recipes, customs, kosher cookbooks and restaurants. You can also volunteer to host an edition; we also have a facebook page.
To guarantee your post's inclusion in one of the blog carnivals, please send me the link, with a short blurb describing it, to shilohmuse@gmail.com and ither HH or KCC as subject, thanks. If there will be a different host, I'll just forward it. Since Havel Havelim is weekly, please send the link before Shabbat your time, thanks. I not only include links sent to me, but I also look for others.
Remember, that you don't have to be a blogger to read, comment and share the posts on Havel Havelim or the Kosher Cooking Carnival.
And now, on with the show!

not even the clock works
Ruti, "Where everybody knows your name" #5: La Boca! Ruti and the Coach's favorite place to celebrate and have a good meal.
Marcia, last week's HH hostess, There may be no school but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't discuss the Torah with your kids.
Enjoying the Bible Online offers innovative fun activities, questions, and discussion guidelines related to God forbidding the children of Israel to use a sword while building an altar (in the book of Exodus) in "Does it Matter How We Get to the End Product?"
Not even the clock works in the Jerusalem Central Bus Station, The Death of the Jerusalem Central Bus Station

Ben-Tzion Spitz, Perilous Roads. Life is a journey that must be traveled no matter how bad the roads and accommodations. -Oliver Goldsmith
Real Jerusalem Streets, latest mail news, Please Wait a Minute Mr. Postman
Israellycool, Temple Mount, Must Watch: Dome of the Rock Power Washing
Doug, the Israeli Beer maivin, New beers at Zman Amiti and Jerusalem Beer Festival update.
My blog name change, I Want Your Opinion, Thanks! Seriously, please let me know your opinion, thanks.
There will be more to buy in Sha'ar Binyamin! Lots of Building in Sha'ar Binyamin!
Help Mama Bla Blah in her struggle against the drug company: TESARO pharmaceutical - Will Watch Me Die. Refuah Shleimah!!
Elder of Ziyon, 07/03 Links Pt2: Netanyahu: UNHRC cares nothing for human rights; Flotilla Brought Hate, Not Aid
Mystical Paths,
A View from Tiberius
Some great food deals. You don't have to spend a lot for a filling and healthy meal out:
Revisiting two favorite Jerusalem restaurants, Piccolino and Modern.
For Israelis and Jews all over the world, July 4 has special significance, Rescue At Entebbe: An Anniversary of Freedom
The Kosher Spoon, SPICED CHICKPEAS, looks like a good idea especially with the Nine Days coming up.
Esser Agaroth, What's the Significance of July 4th Falling on 17 Tammuz this Year?

Malachi Rosenfeld, HaYa"D, links from Shemittah Rediscovered and photos I took at the prayer vigil at the sight of the murder and on the funeral A Soldier's Mother.
This ongoing war, 03-Jul-15: Misery, terrorism and money-making: a cynics' guide:One factor beyond all others ensures that the Palestinian Arab cause manages to sustain its momentum nearly seventy years after the UN decision to split the compact British-occupied territory of Palestine/Eretz Yisrael into two countries: the existence of UNRWA.

My husband's blog, Amazing Occupation Or, A Question That Has Been Occupying My Mind
The Lid, Refuting Hillary's Ridiculous Claim- She Will NOT Be Better For Israel Than Obama: Here's Proof
My Fruity Chicken, actually very easy to make!
Tzvee My Jewish Standard Dear Rabbi Column for July 2015: Holocaust Conceit
Chopping Wood,Democracy and the Jewish State: Slomiansky v. Gal-On - Who Needs a Constitution when You've Got the Tanach?
The Lost Kitchen, Bras and Babka
Walk Through the Parsha, Balak
My good friend Miriam writes The Wonderful 'Settlers' of the Negev...
al tishali oti's joy
Tzivia Welcome to Chu”l, and have a nice stay!
Sha'i Ben Tekoa Islam As An Excuse
Jerusalem Macrolovers WHY FAST??
Today, the 18th of Tammuz, fasting the postponed 17th of Tammuz fast, when we all mourn the loss of our Holy Temple and the Rosenfeld family of Kochav Hashachar, and their loved ones all over, mourns their precious son Malachi Moshe HaYa"D.
We aren't giving up. We aren't finished. We aren't history. We have a future. G-d willing we will be truly sovereign and rebuild our Holy Temple in our Holy City of Jerusalem, and the days of mourning will be turned into days of festivity and worship of G-d, and all of those in the Next World will return to us in joy together!
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